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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. and man ! how unbearable is to listen to this commentators, especially to that one who spells everything not british like zhgxjzhgrtsky from ehm...ehm...ehm,,, slov....ak ? ripablyk !. FFS where can I have the without commentators stream ?
  2. Another unbelievable disappointement. The one who nominated Škvarková here instead of Viktoria Forster should go to jail ! Forster last week beat Kozak and made the NR 12.88, and was in better form than Škvarková, but no, our officials are just of their very own... idiots ! Man, I am pissed today
  3. How ! How you can have 3 X in Long Jump when you are there to represent the team ! Only a total pillock can do that. Secure at least that 1 point ffs... I really can´t sometimes ! I swear
  4. Bačík 3 fous in Long Jump, what an idiot is this athe day of idiots in Slovakia ?
  5. 110m H our worst event by far to go. gonna be fun
  6. Ok, time for Athletics.. I see Lomnický still throwing the Hammer miles behind what he used
  7. the K2 in final as well... nobody will explain me why Erik Vlček is not in the K4 crew, he just showed being much better prepared than all 4 clowns in the K4 here... damn, I am so pissed at the end the least expected crews made it to Final A and the most awaited ones completely failed...
  8. both K4 qualified I guess (not entirely sure about the W tbh I saw only the end right when the TV screen showed them smiling) W C2 as well M K2 Eliminated
  9. a boat in Final !!! I can not believe #angrypissedsarcasm however from the probably least expected one, so congrats to our W K2-500 still completely stunned by our M K4 tragedy today...dear god, I feel so ashamed, that I can not even explain how much...
  10. Eliminated in semifinals. this must be the most embarassing historic low of our K4 since I don´t know when dear god, what a shame...
  11. M BMX Qualifiers start confirmed for 15:25
  12. and won it. first time in my life watching Beach Handball shootout. what a crap
  13. M BMX Freestyle Qualifiers postponed due storm or whatever weather condidition is
  14. Division III Standing After 25 events / Day 2
  15. 3x3 Basketball Day 1 Morning session
  16. Duet Free Preliminary Results and qualified to the Finals
  17. Beach Handball Preliminary Round Final round Groups Final Standing M Groups Final Standing W Quarterfinals will be played in cross-over format 1Avs4B etc...
  18. BMX Freestyle W Qualifiers final results
  19. it is hard to make some enthusiastic noises the morning after you lost to Moldova
  20. The youngest member of team Slovakia at the EG. Naomi Vojtechovska qualified to the final
  21. First time in my life I see a special one by one Judges presentation ceremony
  22. why would anyone do that, that does not make sense spend more forces than your resting opponents, + from semis there only 3 spots for the finals available, this is too big risk. No they are just completely out of shape, it is clear, I mean, they were all piss poor this morning, so that can not be a coincidence. Anyway, once again the main goal is the worlds where the OG quotas will be awarded, so they (I hope) are rather peacking for that event and sacrifying the previous competitions (like this one)
  23. No, the result system is just atrocious and useless.. I can not believe they are not even able to make such elementary option as a Daily schedule ... since the result system started I am constantly trying to click on the date to wait for miracle and the system will suddenly show me the day schedule
  24. Totally disastrous morniing session, every boat finished last or among lasts Either our canoe sprint team is completely physically tired being right now in full preparation phase or they are just right now simply out of shape. Hope it is the first one because if it is the later, then this may start to be exttemely worrying...
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