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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. yeah, absolutely terrible and useless results system. I can not believe they screwed it up this so much This really unpleasantly surprised me because they know do things very well as we all saw yesterday at the Opening Ceremony, + everything is working fine and smoothly on the venues so far. so that´s even more Embarassing from the organizing committee to let the entire world "enjoy" such garbage results system. Big minus from me for the schedule/results-app
  2. eoctv is providing complete daily-roundup highlights
  3. SLOVAKIA AT THE EUROPEAN GAMES 2023 Daily Recap 0 - 0 - 0 DAY O Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 Athletics BMX Freestyle Cycling Canoeing Sprint Pictures: SOŠV/ANDREJ & SAMUEL GALICA
  4. Very nice ceremony, was not expect it well done, and now let the games finally start ! (even if some our athletes already ended )
  5. Deň O STREDA 21.06.2023 VÝSLEDKOVÝ SERVIS Rýchlostná Kanoistika 09.08 K4-500m Ž – rozjazdy (Rozjazda 1) 6. Katarína Pecsuková, Réka Bugár, Bianka Sidová, Mariana Petrušová 1.36.142 Postup do Semifinále 09.32 K4-500m M – rozjazdy (Rozjazda 2) 6. Samuel Baláž, Denis Myšák, Csaba Zalka, Adam Botek 1.22.510 Postup do Semifinále 10.01 C2-500m M – rozjazdy (Rozjazda 2) 7. Eduard Strýček, Peter Kizek 1.46.741 Postup do Semifinále 10.46 K2-500m Ž – rozjazdy (Rozjazda 2) 4. Katarína Pecsuková, Bianka Sidová 1.44.254 Postup do Semifinále 10.53 K2-500m M – rozjazdy 3. Erik Vlček, Ákos Gacsal 1.30.654 Postup do Semifinále BMX CYKLISTIKA 11.30 BMX Freestyle Ž kvalifikácia 1. a 2. Jazdy 9. Naomi Vojtechovská 44.16 Postup do Finále 13. Lucia Čajková 25.99 13.45 BMX Freestyle M kvalifikácia 1. a 2. Jazdy 15. Tomáš Tohol 71.08 29. Adrián Miko 11.33 Rýchlostná Kanoistika 15.38 K4-500m Ž - semifinále 6. Katarína Pecsuková, Réka Bugár, Bianka Sidová, Mariana Petrušová 1:37.022 15.46 K4-500m M - semifinále 6. Samuel Baláž, Denis Myšák, Csaba Zalka, Adam Botek 1:23.285 16.00 C2-500m M - semifinále 5. Eduard Strýček, Peter Kizek 1:46.667 ATLETIKA 16.10 Hod kladivom M 6. Marcel Lomnický 71.69 16.20 Skok do diaľky M -. Michal Bačík NM Rýchlostná Kanoistika 16.39 K2-500m Ž - semifinále 2. Katarína Pecsuková, Bianka Sidová 1:45.102 Postup do Finále 16.46 K2-500m M - semifinále 3. Erik Vlček, Ákos Gacsal 1:33.132 Postup do Finále ATLETIKA 16.55 Skok o žrdi Ž 11. Júlia Havjerová 3.05 17.05 110m cez prek. M 15. Dominik Labuda 15.21 17.32 100m cez prek. Ž 4. Stanislava Škvarková 13.13 17.57 800m Ž 3. Gabriela Gajanová 1:59.92 18.08 1500m M 10. Peter Kováč 3:48.16 18.15 Hod diskom M 12. Samuel Kováč 51.89 18.26 Trojskok Ž 11. Zuzana Ďurkechová 12.62 18.47 400 m cez prek. Ž 4. Daniela Ledecká 57.83 19.12 400 m cez prek. M 3. Matej Baluch 49.56 19.30 4x100 m Ž 5. Viktória Forster, Agáta Cellerová, Stanislava Škvarková, Monika Weigertová 44.69 19.50 4x100 m M 12. Michal Bačík, Filip Federič, Samuel Beladič, Jakub Nemec 40.71 OTVÁRACÍ CEREMONIÁL 20.30 OPENING CEREMONY Flagbearer (Miroslav Duchoň/Barbora Balážová)
  6. That is some difficult lyrics to remember lalala lala la la...
  7. yeah the world is allright. Slovenia marching behind us
  8. with only a female flagbearer ! Rebellion !
  9. That was a quite huge Lewandowski here They must laugh well in Moldova infront of their TV now
  10. ah the sport segment, let see if there will be some hockey
  11. the guy is czech btw
  12. The opening ceremony was originaly made for the athletes now it looks they will arrive after the last segment just for the speeches
  13. ah I knew the Pope will be there at one point for sure
  14. loved the Kopernik segment as well
  15. will the nations enter in ENG or POL alphabet order ? In fact it does not matter Slovenia will again march behind us
  16. Hope they did not forget the athletes waiting for the parade of nations behind the stadium
  17. I love how in Polish the word Zachod means west, while in czech and slovak means Toilets so always when I hear in Polish Na zachode (on the west) it means in slovak (on the Toilets) it make me smiling, just like now
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