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  1. Slovakia Ďakujeme Za vašu bohatú účasť! Dobrý deň priatelia, je pre nás poctou a radosťou privítať vás všetkých, fanúšikov športu a dobrej hudby tu u nás v Košiciach na Slovensku. Teraz pristúpme k hlasovaniu slovenskej poroty: thank you for your participaion! Hello Friends, We are honored and delighted to welcome all of you, fans of sport and good music here in Košice, Slovakia. Now let´s proceed to the Slovak jury votes Slovakia Jury Scorecard: Canada 10 Kazakhstan 9 Croatia 8 Indonesia 7 United States 6 Russia 5 Mexico 4 France 3 Poland 2 Serbia 1
  2. Number of Juries Voted: 14/34 New Zealand 7 Denmark 24 Great Britain 88 France 54 Lithuania 31 Ireland 47 Greece 40 Moldova 14 Poland 17 Chile 38 India 18 Canada 48 Kazakhstan 1 Bulgaria 26 Serbia 10 Malta 34 Indonesia 52 Russia 33 Portugal 25 Argentina 30 Tunisia 38 Romania 14 Algeria 57 United States 33 Brazil 18 Italy 37 Spain 25 Netherlands 45 Slovakia 33 Mexico 30 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 32 Croatia 12 Slovenia 42 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 88 2nd Algeria 57 3rd France 54 4th Indonesia 52 5th Canada 48 No changes this time in the top parts of the table, In other side, very first point for Kazakhstan, each entry will finish the contest with points. Muchas Gracias Espana ! Now time for the host jury to revel the votes.
  3. Spain Spain Jury Scorecard: Brazil 12 Tunisia 11 Netherlands 10 Moldova 9 United States 8 Malta 7 Greece 6 Colombia 5 Slovakia 4 Serbia 3 Bulgaria 2 Kazakhstan 1 This was the Spanish Votes. Good luck to all in the remaining sessions of the contest
  4. Spain Spain Jury Scorecard: Tunisia 11 Netherlands 10 Moldova 9 United States 8 Malta 7 Greece 6 Colombia 5 Slovakia 4 Serbia 3 Bulgaria 2 Kazakhstan 1
  5. Spain ¡Hola Eslovaquia! What a wonderfull show. Those are the spanish votes! Spain Jury Scorecard: Netherlands 10 Moldova 9 United States 8 Malta 7 Greece 6 Colombia 5 Slovakia 4 Serbia 3 Bulgaria 2 Kazakhstan 1
  6. Number of Juries Voted: 13/34 New Zealand 7 Denmark 24 Great Britain 88 France 54 Lithuania 31 Ireland 47 Greece 34 Moldova 5 Poland 17 Chile 38 India 18 Canada 48 Kazakhstan 0 Bulgaria 24 Serbia 7 Malta 27 Indonesia 52 Russia 33 Portugal 25 Argentina 30 Tunisia 27 Romania 14 Algeria 57 United States 25 Brazil 6 Italy 37 Spain 25 Netherlands 35 Slovakia 29 Mexico 30 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 27 Croatia 12 Slovenia 42 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 88 2nd Algeria 57 3rd France 54 4th Indonesia 52 5th Canada 48 Great Britain rolling the contest so far, the lead is now 31 points. France after Brazil´s votes is still 3rd but only 3 points of the current Algerian silver position. Thank you Brazil, now back to europe and a small visit of Spain. Olá Espana ! Ola Jur ! can you revel us your votes, please ?
  7. Number of Juries Voted: 12/34 New Zealand 3 Denmark 24 Great Britain 77 France 48 Lithuania 26 Ireland 47 Greece 34 Moldova 5 Poland 17 Chile 37 India 18 Canada 36 Kazakhstan 0 Bulgaria 24 Serbia 7 Malta 27 Indonesia 45 Russia 33 Portugal 22 Argentina 30 Tunisia 27 Romania 14 Algeria 57 United States 23 Brazil 6 Italy 37 Spain 25 Netherlands 35 Slovakia 21 Mexico 20 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 18 Croatia 12 Slovenia 42 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 77 2nd Algeria 57 3rd France 48 4th Ireland 47 5th Indonesia 45 Another 7 points from Algeria and the Great Britain´s lead increased to 20 points over Algeria. France still 3rd 1 point ahead of Ireland. Now we will travel to South America and visit this years Olympics Capital. Good Morning Brazil, Hello Vinipereira ! can we have your votes ?
  8. Number of Juries Voted: 11/34 New Zealand 3 Denmark 12 Great Britain 70 France 48 Lithuania 26 Ireland 47 Greece 34 Moldova 2 Poland 17 Chile 37 India 18 Canada 36 Kazakhstan 0 Bulgaria 24 Serbia 7 Malta 27 Indonesia 34 Russia 28 Portugal 22 Argentina 21 Tunisia 21 Romania 6 Algeria 57 United States 23 Brazil 6 Italy 36 Spain 25 Netherlands 35 Slovakia 21 Mexico 18 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 18 Croatia 2 Slovenia 38 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 70 2nd Algeria 57 3rd France 48 4th Ireland 47 5th Azerbaijan 39 Thank you Tunisia, 13 points is now the margin between 1st and 2nd position, Great Britain and Algeria. France is now 3rd one single point ahead of Ireland. We Remain in the beautiful Northern Africa, next to vote is Algeria. Hello Bestmen ! Can you announce us your National jury votes ?
  9. Tunisia Tunisia Jury Scorecard: France 12 Slovenia 11 Algeria 10 Bulgaria 9 Greece 8 Great Britain 7 Colombia 6 Portugal 5 Indonesia 4 Romania 3 Poland 2 Moldova 1 This was the Tunisian Votes, Thanks for your attention, wish you all a great show and let the best win !
  10. Tunisia Tunisia Jury Scorecard: Slovenia 11 Algeria 10 Bulgaria 9 Greece 8 Great Britain 7 Colombia 6 Portugal 5 Indonesia 4 Romania 3 Poland 2 Moldova 1
  11. Tunisia Hello Košice, Hello Slovakia, here the Tunisian votes Tunisia Jury Scorecard: Algeria 10 Bulgaria 9 Greece 8 Great Britain 7 Colombia 6 Portugal 5 Indonesia 4 Romania 3 Poland 2 Moldova 1
  12. Number of Juries Voted: 10/34 New Zealand 3 Denmark 12 Great Britain 63 France 36 Lithuania 26 Ireland 47 Greece 26 Moldova 1 Poland 15 Chile 37 India 18 Canada 36 Kazakhstan 0 Bulgaria 15 Serbia 7 Malta 27 Indonesia 30 Russia 28 Portugal 17 Argentina 21 Tunisia 21 Romania 3 Algeria 47 United States 23 Brazil 6 Italy 36 Spain 25 Netherlands 35 Slovakia 21 Mexico 18 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 12 Croatia 2 Slovenia 27 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 63 2nd Algeria 47 2nd Ireland 47 4th Azerbaijan 39 5th Chile 37 Obrigado Portugal ! After Portuguese votes we still have in the lead Great Britain, now with 16 points lead over Algeria and Ireland, both tied at 47 points. For next votes we travel to North Africa. Hello Amen09 ! Hello Tunisia ! Can you revel us your votes ?
  13. Portugal Portugal Jury Scorecard: Algeria 12 Tunisia 11 France 10 Greece 9 Indonesia 8 Great Britain 7 Canada 6 Bulgaria 5 Mexico 4 India 3 Netherlands 2 Italy 1 E assim ficam concluídos os votos portugueses para esta edição do concurso. Boa sorte a todos! - And that concludes the portuguese votes for this year's contest. Good luck everyone!
  14. Portugal Portugal Jury Scorecard: Tunisia 11 France 10 Greece 9 Indonesia 8 Great Britain 7 Canada 6 Bulgaria 5 Mexico 4 India 3 Netherlands 2 Italy 1
  15. Portugal Olá Eslováquia! Estamos em directo desde Nova York junto com as comunidades portuguesas dos EUA, e estamos a acompanhar com grande entusiasmo a estreia do nosso país no Tottallympis Annual International Song Contest! Obrigado aos organizadores por este fantástico espectáculo a que estamos a assistir! Estes são os votos do juri português: Hello Slovakia! We're live from New York together with our portuguese communities here in the U.S., and we're following our national debut in the Annual TISC with great enthusiasm! Thank you to to the hosts for this amazing show that we're witnessing right now! This are the votes from the portuguese jury: Portugal Jury Scorecard: France 10 Greece 9 Indonesia 8 Great Britain 7 Canada 6 Bulgaria 5 Mexico 4 India 3 Netherlands 2 Italy 1
  16. Number of Juries Voted: 9/34 New Zealand 3 Denmark 12 Great Britain 56 France 26 Lithuania 26 Ireland 47 Greece 17 Moldova 1 Poland 15 Chile 37 India 15 Canada 30 Kazakhstan 0 Bulgaria 10 Serbia 7 Malta 27 Indonesia 22 Russia 28 Portugal 17 Argentina 21 Tunisia 10 Romania 3 Algeria 35 United States 23 Brazil 6 Italy 35 Spain 25 Netherlands 33 Slovakia 21 Mexico 14 Azerbaijan 39 Colombia 12 Croatia 2 Slovenia 27 Current Top 5 Positions: 1st Great Britain 56 2nd Ireland 47 3rd Azerbaijan 39 4th Chile 37 5th Algeria 35 Thanks you Indonesia, Welcome once again in our TISC family. No change in the top. GB still in 1st place, but we noticed a change in runner-up position with Ireland returning in second place in front of Azerbaijan. Now time for Portugal, hello Kungshamra ! Can we see your votes, please?
  17. Indonesia Indonesia Jury Scorecard: Portugal 12 Algeria 11 Ireland 10 Chile 9 United States 8 Italy 7 Lithuania 6 Slovakia 5 Slovenia 4 Greece 3 Netherlands 2 India 1 This was the Indonesian National Jury votes, Good luck once again to all participating Nations
  18. Indonesia Indonesia Jury Scorecard: Algeria 11 Ireland 10 Chile 9 United States 8 Italy 7 Lithuania 6 Slovakia 5 Slovenia 4 Greece 3 Netherlands 2 India 1
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