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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. What a disaster for the French Federation.. I really don't understand why if an athlete was very strong but lose the trials he can't go at the OG. It was a very strange sistem
  2. And when we know the qualified athletes?
  3. Well, in next day I go to create my PayPal account
  4. PayPal sistem is safe or I will lose 15 euro?
  5. Ieri notte ho iniziato a cambiare il format delle qualificazioni azzurre. Mi sono fermato al Badminton perché non ho trovato nessuna data. Qualche informazione?
  6. How work the qualification at the OG for the Badminton?
  7. Che batosta che abbiamo preso contro la Germania, assurdo pendere 3 goal sul campo..
  8. I start to listening the song only yesterday... But I see that we have great chance to win the etc 2016
  9. Solo uno per l'Europa. Stando ad Oasport (la vecchia olimpiazzurra per intenderci) nei 470 maschili c'è solo il Portogallo avanti. Disastroso 22 posto per le ragazze invece...
  10. Murray has lost the first set, we can lose another big player
  11. What disaster for Serena a Williams
  12. Da oggi iniziano le qualificazioni della Vela. Speriamo bene..
  13. Italy will win the ticket at 90% Followed: Hungary, Spain, Russia and maybe France and Kazakistan
  14. For Rio we have an accord whit the referees don't worry
  15. Another accident because of a motorcycle. Is absurd..
  16. We beat Russia 2 times in 3 days We want this results in Rio
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