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Everything posted by Quasit

  1. It probably takes a while on the phone.
  2. I'm not sure if English helps but you two go ahead.
  3. Okay... Olympian, mrv and toulousain have comfirmed that they are here.
  4. @hckošice Pts. 4,000 What was the bantamweight class in boxing named for? ♦ A: Thai rice ♦ B: Malay squid ♦ C: Javanese chicken ♦ D: Papuan rodent
  5. The others are games and hardware, telecommunications and cars. Next up is Pts. 4,000...
  6. Pts. 2,000 Which Japanese company is known for its instant noodles? ♦ A: Nintendo ♦ B: Nippon Telegraph ♦ C: Nissan ♦ D: Nissin By logical elimination... it is Nissin! Pts. 2,000 Which Japanese company is known for its instant noodles? ♦ A: Nintendo ♦ B: Nippon Telegraph ♦ C: Nissan ♦ D: Nissin ♦ P t s . 2 , 0 0 0 ♦
  7. @hckošice The drama accelerates. Now with Pts. 2,000: Pts. 2,000 Which Japanese company is known for its instant noodles? ♦ A: Nintendo ♦ B: Nippon Telegraph ♦ C: Nissan ♦ D: Nissin
  8. And that has brought you a thousand points! Pts. 1,000 A 1993 romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan bears the title "Sleepless in ..."? ♦ A: Seattle ♦ B: San Diego ♦ C: San Francisco ♦ D: Salt Lake City ♦ P t s . 1 , 0 0 0 ♦
  9. @hckošice And one more question to avert a blowout but that should not be a problem, I think: Pts. 1,000 A 1993 romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan bears the title "Sleepless in ..."? ♦ A: Seattle ♦ B: San Diego ♦ C: San Francisco ♦ D: Salt Lake City
  10. Of course. Pts. 500 Who visits Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'? ♦ A: Ghost of Christmas Card ♦ B: Ghost of Christmas Present ♦ C: Ghost of Christmas Tree ♦ D: Ghost of Christmas Speech ♦ P t s . 5 0 0 ♦
  11. @hckošice Pts. 500 Who visits Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'? ♦ A: Ghost of Christmas Card ♦ B: Ghost of Christmas Present ♦ C: Ghost of Christmas Tree ♦ D: Ghost of Christmas Speech
  12. Lots of references then for you so far. Right. Pts. 300 What long-extinct bird used to be endemic to the island of Mauritius? ♦ A: Dada ♦ B: Laa Laa ♦ C: Dodo ♦ D: Wee-wee ♦ P t s . 3 0 0 ♦
  13. @hckošice Pts. 300 What long-extinct bird used to be endemic to the island of Mauritius? ♦ A: Dada ♦ B: Laa Laa ♦ C: Dodo ♦ D: Wee-wee
  14. Correct! Pts. 200 Which of these disciplines in athletics is also referred to as "dash"? ♦ A: Long jump ♦ B: 100 metres ♦ C: Shot put ♦ D: High jump ♦ P t s . 2 0 0 ♦
  15. @hckošice Pts. 200 Which of these disciplines in athletics is also referred to as "dash"? ♦ A: Long jump ♦ B: 100 metres ♦ C: Shot put ♦ D: High jump
  16. Yes, no problem for Slovaks either. Pts. 100 Which of these is a key on a standard computer keyboard? ♦ A: Caps lock ♦ B: Berets clamp ♦ C: Fezzes bolt ♦ D: Sombreros latch Question by OlympicIRL ♦ P t s . 1 0 0 ♦
  17. @hckošice Pts. 100 Which of these is a key on a standard computer keyboard? ♦ A: Caps lock ♦ B: Berets clamp ♦ C: Fezzes bolt ♦ D: Sombreros latch Question by OlympicIRL
  18. You get your 50:50, an Expert and Switch the Question then, as usual. 50:50 Expert Switch Team 15 Pts. 1 Million 14 Pts. 500,000 13 Pts. 250,000 12 Pts. 125,000 11 Pts. 64,000 10 Pts. 32,000 9 Pts. 16,000 8 Pts. 8,000 7 Pts. 4,000 6 Pts. 2,000 5 Pts. 1,000 4 Pts. 500 3 Pts. 300 2 Pts. 200 1 Pts. 100 So now you have the chance to expand on your bank filled with 64,000 points on a new set of questions. Good luck, here we go!
  19. Awesome. Obviously, you are the first to play for a second time so you know how it works! I need you to tell me if you want to go for 3 lifelines and safety net, just as last time or play with 4. Also, something new this time: You kinda create your own luck as you get to choose a random stack. Just give me a number between 1 and 5 and you will go for one of five prepared stacks!
  20. Alright, @hckošice it is. hckosice ♦ ♦ Slovakia And you were worried not being fast enough!
  21. Okay, Hot Seat is OPEN. Whose turn will it be?
  22. As promised, I offer some quiz tonight. The second edition is on and open to all who have played before as well. We still have a couple of minutes left and we need a player. As I announced last time, it's first come, first serve. It's quite simple. I'll simply give a signal that we need a player and the first person who wants to play to reply gets into the hot seat. So it's just like a "fastest fingers first" just without the question. This is not yet the signalling post though, just a heads up. I'll wait for a couple of minutes and then we'll start.
  23. We'll start at about 8 pm CET later. You're welcome to serve as experts again. @dcro @Olympian1010 @mrv86 @Dolby @toulousain
  24. Time for some quiz again. I'll start my second season this Saturday (10th). It'll be open for anyone interested again, being contestant as well as part of the expert/team lifeline. Setting a date with someone is not required this time. We'll play on a "first come, first serve" basis with those who are there on a given time. More about that later. @Olympian1010 @mrv86 @dcro
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