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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by Rafoo

  1. Our waterpolo women team win 6-9 in 1st leg agaisnt Czech for euro in barcelona 2018...potetantial for tokyo 2020?
  2. Yes,Borna Čujić world champion in sport climbing
  3. Yeah now I see Marin Ranes...some newspeapers said that he is 6.favourite in tokyo
  4. New sports among rio: Badminton-Đurinjak 64 ranking Archery-Mihalić 48 ranking Fencing-86 ranking Any else?
  5. I think in crazy wayes croatia basketball women team can go to tokyo 2020...they play amazing especially režan and ex mišura
  6. Zbasnik inyured on trening and lost for olympics...can we replaced her with someone else?
  7. Karlovic played for our davis cup last year..can he if he got there play in tokyo 2020?
  8. When we will know for other in this month or?
  9. When will be announcment of our alpine team?
  10. Marin cilic rnk.3 Doubles: Mate pavic rnk.5 Ivan dodig rnk.7
  11. Just more and more athlets for tokyo 2020..i think there will be more than 100..max ever
  12. Croatia refused their team event?
  13. I see there are 2 spots for croatia women in croos country?
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