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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Dragana ce sada i zvacnicno biti najbolja takmicarka Srbije na EP (neverovatno zar ne? ) Gagana svaka ti cast.
  2. and we have medalists in high jump....
  3. Probably worst ever competition in long jump.
  4. Jao sto ljudi panice oko Ivane, ona da je pokidala tetivu ne bi mogla da hoda a ne da skoci jos dva puta posle toga. To su nenormalni bolovi i nosilima bi je izneli sa stadiona. I jos joj pisu kraj karijere Obradovic je lepo rekao parcijalna reptura, ali neko ne zeli da cita.
  5. What a season for Polish girl Kowalczuk Third gold medal this year (EC + 2x GP)
  6. Noo, she will be ok. She said she would have only treatments (without surgery) and the coach just said it was just partial damage
  7. And first gold today for Yaman Irem (57kg)
  8. U poslednjoj sekundi izgubila Ali dobro za nju je bitno da uvek bude u vrhu i sacuva top 5. Svakim turnirom sve vise i vise se priblizava normi.
  9. -57kg final Turkey-Croatia (bronze for Russia and Turkey) -58kg Iran-Korea (bronze for Italy and Russia but not Artamonov ) +67kg Poland-Turkey (bronze for China and Serbia). Btw Mandic lost in very very last second
  10. wow Sandra in taekwondo final? No it is Bruna Vuletic
  11. Yes, unfortunately. She wrote it on the instagram now They just did a magnetic resonance. But if I understood it well only one part of achilles tendonis damaged (her coach said that). Probably no more competition this year for her.
  12. She will be ok. She has a problem with the tendon ( If I am not wrong she had the same problem few years ago). She wanted to compete today but her team did not allow it
  13. Jadan ASS sad nece imati cime da se hvale haha vec ce morati da objasne ovaj debakl. A zao mi je Ivane, ali pametno sto nece izaci na takmicenje povreda nije toliko teska ali moze da bude ako optereti nogu
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