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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Da Izgleda da se nesto pokacila sa Rifatom. I msm da ona planira malo duzu pauzu da napravi.
  2. And Serbia won European championship. They beat France in final. Bronze for Lithuania, 4. place for Spain... And yeah, big four in 5x5 basketball, are now in top 4 in 3x3....It was only a matter of time. Women's competiton: Gold for France, silver for Spain, bronze for Latvia.
  3. Turkey is not good at all. I saw that in match against Serbia. I don't remember when we were bad like that but still we were much better than Turkey. They don't have a true star on the team
  4. Mnogo povreda ove godine (Gejo, Relic, Teodosic, Milosavljevic, Podrascanin, Spanovic, Majdov). A sve vrhunski takmicari. Valjda smo se ispucali. Dosta je bilo vise stvarno.
  5. Da, kako Goran rece malopre gotovo sigurno nece na SP... Samo da ne bude nesto bas tesko, ali kapiram da ce pauzirati bar 2 meseca. Izgleda da je zadnja loza desne noge.
  6. Ona posle OI ima bas velike probleme sa telom. Kapiram da je to posledica svih onih jakih treninga i svega od 2013 pa do 2017. Jbg. Kad je bal ove godine neka je bal do kraja haha
  7. Verovatno gotova sezona za Ivanu.. Opet pred takmicenje kao i prosle godine.
  8. Injury for Spanovic in Germany. So no WC for her almost sure.
  9. Oh this was close for last quota. Usa won.
  10. I really can't this Australian team. Their behavior is disaster. They beat USA in frendly match and they think that they are Gods.
  11. Krunic je dosta dobra u renkingu i sada su imale super zreb na USO, ali ne deluju dobro danas
  12. Onda sa Dusanom ili Laslom. Mada videcemo kakva ce im forma biti.
  13. Kecmanovic je bgm odlican dubl igrac. Jako bih voleo da vidim njega i Noleta u dublu.
  14. ali ja msm da sam procitao negde da je presla kod Zorane u klub onaj Olympic 011. Ne znam sad.
  15. E tako Jeleni Arunovic neka nagrada nesto. A Bobana umesto da trenira kod nje ona je izabrala Jasnu. Jbg. I sad ostaje bez OI.
  16. But it would be disaster if Manu compete only in one individual.
  17. One more gold for India. It will be interesting to see them at OG... World cups are not same like OG. But imo they will win at least 3 medals (two in pistol and one in rifle-"SAFE" medals).
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