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Everything posted by dareza

  1. Poeni si samo za judo mada to nije presudno postoji mnogo tunira gde mogu poeni da se skupe. Ne zavisi im nista od ovoga.
  2. Ne. Ali eventualni pobednik moze da dobije kvotu. Ali to samo mozda. Bzv.
  3. Yes it was better in the past. This is meeeh.
  4. hahaha ali koliko su samo nebitne ove evropske igre bukvalno niko zivi ne zna da se to odrzava sem nas koji pratimo sport malo vise.
  5. But awful in final At least medal. Rifle team probably will be without final.
  6. Finally good day for our pistol team.
  7. a mi smo Holandiju dobili na proslom sp tako da ne vidim razlog za brigu.
  8. odlican zreb. jer odmah na startu cemo videti sta da ocekujemo, a ne kao uvek u grupi vrh protiv slabijih timova a onda pakao u drugoj fazi kad dodje neko jaci.
  9. Meni je bas drago sto su igrale sve "zvezde" jer bi da smo doziveli debakl bez njih pricali kako bi bilo drugacije da su oni igrali. A ja msm da bi bili bolji bez njih, jer njih petorica su najmanje od svih pokazali.
  10. No way that Austria can beat Germany. As I said they are very good and it will be well deserved first place.
  11. Mnogo mi je zao ovog Lutovca koji je bio najbolji pojedinac u kvalifikacijama i koji evo tek sada dobija da odigra pet bednih munuta. E to vam je dragi moji srpski fudbal. Igraci koji zapravo vrede ne mogu d dodju do izrazaja od nekih tamo istetoviranih zvezda.
  12. Wow one more 0:5. Probably worst month for Serbia football EVER.
  13. Well, the main secret: good coaches, especially in basketball and volleyball. Every year we get at least three big stars. There is crises in handball,but women's team finally looks good and we hope that they will be inTokyo.
  14. But at least we had chance It is really impressive that small country like Serbia had/has so many chances to qualify in team sports (men's and women's basketball, men's and women's volleyball, men's and women's handball and men's waterpolo + we had in men's football). Talented nation for team sports.
  15. Bolje da se nisi zamarao sa ovim sad ces jos vise da se nerviras Ja odustao od njih odmah.
  16. Players from Serbian A team are so far the worst. But it was clear that we are without chance after first match. Totally boring team.
  17. What a match wow. Guys this is only match in group But both teams will be in final 100%.
  18. But where is Yakimenko? He was great and then he had that debacle at OG and after that he has disappeared
  19. Reshetnikov is again European champion, after 10 years
  20. Basketasi pobedili Holandiju sa +4, ali izgubili od USA sa -5 i sad ako Holandija dobija USA sa +4 mi smo ispali Stvarno mora da se napravi komptaktan tim ja ovom timu sto sada igra nesto ne verujem nekako se muce sta znam. A ima dosta potencijalnih reprezentativaca, treba biti pazljiv. Jer realno mi na OI zlato ne mozemo da osvojimo vec mora da se napravi tim za srebro.
  21. French players should say thank you Serbian referee.... Poor England.
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