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Everything posted by LowerSaxony

  1. Congratulations! Two questions: 1) Is it safe that the Brazilian NOC will use all its quota places in any case? Even if they get 3 (which is possible, as we know ) 2) Did you calculate the full ranking list or just for the places 20+? Would you share the full list with us if yes?
  2. Definitely, SLO has the potential to win all 3 matches. And yeah, with a draw against SLO in the second match, GER will qualify almost surely (unless there is high score draw between SLO and SWE). Of course, assuming all three clearly beat ALG.
  3. That's nice. I'm struggling with loving my country :D but I'm glad to live here SWE and SLO would both absolutely deserve qualification after their strong performances at the World Championships. Very very hard group. I hope GER somehow sneaks through^^
  4. zomfg... Germany saves the draw within the last seconds. At least they proved there is heart in the team. The relevance of Olympic qualification cannot be underestimated for the Germans. Missing the Games would be a disaster.
  5. Chervotkin johauged the field during the first leg. Strange race.
  6. Jeez... Mihambo 6.58m without board in her 3rd qualifying attempt. Her competitions are always a thriller..
  7. No hate at all. LTU just know the rules and take advantage of it. That's a smart move to me.
  8. Today's result was a foreshadowing on the German biathlon results after the 2022 Olympics. Frankly, the perspectives are quite dark.
  9. Today's result was a foreshadowing on the German biathlon results after the 2022 Olympics. Frankly, the perspectives are quite dark.
  10. That it a dog biscuit? A rotten tooth? WHAT IS THAT??
  11. Anybody has a live stream that is actually working? The European Athletics Page is down.... :/
  12. Selina Jörg, Germany's soon-to-be only reigning World Champion in an Olympic non-sliding winter sports individual event, will quit her career after the last World Cup in Berchtesgaden this March.
  13. Serbia should also be new among those with basic quota
  14. Ah nice. I have to admit that I do not read each and every post here ;-) But double-checking is always preferable in a scientific process, so why not here too? (btw I think there should be a bachelor degree program for understanding Olympic qualification processes with maybe a master program for the qualifications procedures in Canoeing and Biathlon ) Anyways, the bottom line is: Team Brazil still has good chances for bringing a team sprint relay to the starting line in Beijing
  15. Mhm, you surely did the calculations for yourself, but: 144 quota places for Women available (w/o host country) - x quota places allocated via D.1 (max 1 per NOC) - 65 quota places allocated via D.2 (max 4 per NOC) - 35 quota places allocated via D.3, rounds 1-3 (max 3 per NOC) --- = leaving 44-x quota places to be allocated via round 4 of D.3 A rough count of the results of the WCh races so far show 31 nations qualified via D.1 + 2additional nations (TUR, LIE) qualified from Under 23-WCh (all with one athlete with less than 300 FIS points). Thus, x=33 (at least around 33, I maybe made a counting mistake) --> 11 quota places to be allocated via D.3/round 4 (max 1 per NOC, starting with 6th place of Nation's Ranking as TOP 5 nations already reached the maximum of 8 places). --> Thus, if all nations confirm their places, the NOC ranked 16th in the Nations ranking will earn the last available spot (ignoring the host country places so far) --> The nation ranked 31th would be on 15th position of the reallocation list as the IOC document reads "If an allocated quota place is not confirmed by theNOC by the confirmation of quota place deadline, or is declined by the NOC, the quota place will be reallocated according to Round 4 in D.3 to the next eligible NOC." --> In 2018, the nation ranked 28th on the reallocation list still earned a spot via reallocation. However, we cannot compare this process to 2022 as there was a combined reallocation list for men and women. But still: Given BRA is ranked 31th on the final reallocation list, there is still a realistic chance for getting a second spot for the Olympics (One is safe for BRA from D.1) as there will surely be some middle to smaller nations who will not confirm their 3rd or 4th spot (f.e. Thailand). If they somehow manage to get on 30th place, there is even a chance for 3 quota places for BRA. Additionally, the host country will surely have 1 or 2 places from the "normal" allocation process, meaning it's more realistic that the nation ranked 31th will be on 13th or 14th position of the reallocation list. I hope I did not forget sth... that's ofc just a rough calculation
  16. Oh don't mind me. I'm just this forum's bot, automatically replying when a certain level of bullshit is exceeded. Sure we'll talk again soon.
  17. Please just stop "Whose nation's dick is bigger?", issue 1896, thank you.
  18. Is it safe that Brazil will send their full team to the final World Cup stage? They "just" have to finish a race for getting some points for that list?
  19. The men's team's performance today was okay, without that bad luck of Brugger they would have had a realistic chance of finishing within the TOP 4. However, is anabody expecting a German medal in the team relays!? I think a TOP 6 result for the Women's team would be very nice.
  20. Just impressive. That was her first 10.000 metres race of her career. Old NR was from 1991.
  21. Meh. Vermeulen stapped on Brugger's ski binding, Brugger lost his ski in the middle of the 3rd leg, leaving them with no chance. Fucked up home WCh for German CC team so far.
  22. D.3 is not about reallocation, but about remaining places: "The remaining quota places (...) will be allocated to NOCs based on the FIS Cross Country Nation Ranking 2020-2021per gender in four (4) allocation rounds (...) During this process once an NOC has achieved the maximum total number of eight (8) places per gender it will no longer be counted and the next eligible NOC on the FIS Cross-Country Nation Ranking2020-2021 per gender will be allocated a place." If you were wrong about D.1 and D.2, meaning 30th place of the nations ranking would NOT receive an additional place from D.2, it would not be possible for a NOC for "no longer to be counted" in round 4 of the D.3 process. That is, no NOC could reach the maximum number of 8 places before round 4 of D.3 is closed. Thus, I think you are right
  23. After first reading the qualification procedure, I would agree. I think the main indicator for your interpretation to be true is the word "remaining" in section D.3 of the qualification pathway.
  24. Thanks. So that means, if the smaller nations don't make calculations for themselves, they are completely left in the unknown about Olympic qualification and have to wait whether their federations receive a call from the IOC after qualification period ended?! Strange.
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