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Everything posted by thiago_simoes

  1. Hard to say until we have the nominative list. On the women's side, I believe Brazil, Canada and the US will take all the medals. The only exception could be on vault, where Alexa Moreno from Mexico has the potential to be a medalist. Maybe Cuba can be a surprise too, but they don't send their gymnasts to big competitions before the Pan Ams, so it's very hard to predict how they will perform. On the men's side things are a lot more unpredictable. Jossimar Calvo (Colombia) and Manrique Larduet (Cuba) did not look too hot last year, and there's a chance they have not recovered their best form. The Dominican Republic, Brazil, United States, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Chile and Argentina all have chances of earning medals. Even Peru and Uruguay have outside chances. Canada's best chance of a gold medal is on the balance beam, or maybe all-around. Padurariu is looking great! On vault, it will be a tight battle between Canada, Brazil and the US for gold, with Alexa Moreno as a dark horse, though I don't believe she will win a medal if everybody hits, unless she upgrades one of her vaults. I'm very excited about what the Brazilians can achieve. I might be a bit too optimistic, but I would say that Rebeca Andrade will walk away with at least one gold medal. Last time a Brazilian girl got a gold medal was in 2007, and before that only in 1991.
  2. Yes! I'm so excited! My top three wishes this year are: 1) a medal for Federico Molinari, 2) Brazil women's team with a gold medal (very hard, but not impossible), 3) at least one major upset, like Ana Sofia Porras winning beam in 2011 and Jorge Vega winning floor in 2015; my bet for 2019 is Audrys Nin Reyes winning vault, but let's see.
  3. Well, take 3D Dot Game Heroes: that is simplicity. Minecraft is just plain ugly.
  4. Exactly! The meeting is laughable and this is the final nail in the coffin of this series. It's like they had no other options: Jon was back to the Nightwatch, Arya decided to go away (maybe because they want to create a spin-off show about her, so of course she could not be the queen), Sansa ended up as the queen of the North, Robb is long dead, so... only Bran remains and they gave him the most important position in the end even though he did nothing the whole show.
  5. Great job! Congratulations! I didn't watch the TV series, but I've read some of the books and I decided to get all of the spoilers now. The conclusion is far from what I was expecting and my favorite character in the book series is now the character I hate the most. I'm not sure I'll be able to read the remaining books now, unless major changes are made to the conclusion of the plot.
  6. So, routines that were badly planned? Not a big surprise. Italy started to take part at the big events too late this year. Not as late as, say, Brazil, but still quite late. I hope they regain confidence for the next stages of the World Challenge Cup series and, especially, the World Championships.
  7. @Gianlu33, is there anything going on with Agiurgiuculese and Baldassarri? Are they injured? I'm happy the junior group got a medal, but I was expecting a better performance from the senior gymnasts, especially after strong showings at the latest World Cup and World Challenge Cup stages. Why did they mostly fumble?
  8. Soldatova didn't get an individual gold medal.
  9. Some interesting surprises in the qualifying round/team final. Arina Averina had a very big error on hoop followed by an even bigger mistake. I know the Olympics are still far way, but I'm starting to consider a Kapranova-esque moment when the second Russian doesn't get a medal. Vedeneeva (Slovenia) managed to qualify to a final (clubs) and finish 10th in the all-around. She has surpassed all of my expectations! Italy underperformed in individual events. I don't know what happened, but this does not look good. Romania and Latvia were big surprises. I wish Armenia had competed.
  10. One of the users here is from the United States and had two flags, one from Israel and one from the US, as his profile picture. I support Palestine, I'm a fan of Iceland, Palestine is part of the Olympics, so this is just me showing support.
  11. I guess you will LOVE my new profile picture.
  12. Just look at how many people bought Justin Bieber's first album.
  13. Millions of voters, of course.
  14. Agreed. It's still a fair result in the end, but I have to say I liked the result of the jury more. Spain not finishing last is just so weird.
  15. Great result for the Netherlands! Congratulations on winning!
  16. Major respect for Iceland.
  17. Zero for Germany... Wow.
  18. I now officially hate Russia and Greece for wasting my time with stupid announcers. Romania is a close third.
  19. Why do Romanians always make me cringe when they try to be funny?
  20. I wouldn't mind North Macedonia winning this competition.
  21. Netta is talented as a DJ. As a singer... no way. This is indeed a disaster.
  22. This made me laugh out loud! Hahaha!
  23. Verka Serduchka singing Toy is everything I needed in my life. This is epic!
  24. Yay! Best song ever! Lasha Tumbai!
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