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Everything posted by Sanjib

  1. Lalitha & Sudha to participate in Sanghai Diamond League on 14th May.
  2. I guess you mean OST.
  3. No quota from 50km Race walk today, only 1 guy finished the race but could not achieve the required timing.
  4. In case a challenge gets rejected, the opponent gets a point.
  5. Excellent, thanks a lot.
  6. Can someone explain how Sakshi won the semi-final yesterday, the score was 10-10, while the Chinese got the last points? I guess I'm missing some rule in wrestling.
  7. Yes, the overall performance in 20km race walk men&women were below par. Devender Singh was expected to do much better. Anyway today the big day, last chance to get the final quota in 50km race walk and it is expected all 3 will finish below 4hr 6min.
  8. The 20Km Men's Race Walk is on. Huge event for us. Can we get a new NR? Can someone go below 1 min 20 sec and provide us some medal chance in this category, we haven't improved on Irfan's timing in the London Olympics yet, let's hope for the best.
  9. There's no question of Sushil at this 11th hour, Narsingh has been doing a great job in the last couple of years while Sushil was mostly out, we can't live in the past. Maybe Sushil could have given it a try in 86Kg category, but Gopal has been selected here, let's see how he does.
  10. Vineesh face local girl in semis, hopefully she should get the quota, Sakshi faces an extremely tough Chinese, lets wait and watch.
  11. In fact just to add, though we will have more athletes this time, we might just struggle to reach 6 medals, specially with badminton going down recently, do not expect anything from boxing and just 1 from wrestling, we have to do well in Archery and Shooting, let's hope for the best.
  12. Good point, thanks for bringing it up.
  13. Sajan Prakash has got B standard in 3 events, Khade and Sejwal in 1 each + now Supriya, we are on the up in Swimming.
  14. Yes to clarify, Supriya in Bengali is pronounced as Supriyo for male and Supriya for female, the spelling remains same though. Some guys do change the spelling to Supriyo though. Similarly the names like Sudipta, even Prashanth is a common name in Bengali, though pronounced as "Proshanto" the spelling still remains Prashanth, we love the letter 'o' in Bengali, that's where rasgulla becomes roshogolla.
  15. Good Morning everyone, Grand Prix II has been pre-poned to today, 6th May. Guys huge day for us today with wrestling & athletics, how many new quota do you think we can get today?
  16. Prashanth and Vivek, I agree being optimistic, the obvious question that comes is why have they not qualified till now, but I guess athletes prepare themselves to peak before the big events, as we realized with all the NR's in the Fed Cup. The list I have put up seems realistic as of now, except L Suriya may decide to focus on one of the events rather than both. But again some of the ones which seemed uncertain I haven't added. For ex (Dharamvir -200m, Seema Punia - Discuss, Jinsen Johnson - 400m H, the new guy in Shot Put forgot his name, Prem Kumar Long jump, 4X400 men's relay team) 1 or 2 among these also have a chance, so ultimately we should be close to that number.
  17. Realistic chances for quota in Athletics as I feel, others do let me know your thoughts. 2 quota in women's 100m(2 among Dutee,Srabani and Jyothi) 1 quota in women's 200m(1 among Dutee,Srabani and Jyothi) 1 quota in Men's 100m(Amiya) 1 quota in Men's 400m(Rajiv or Muhammad Anas) 2 quota in Women's 400m(Poovamma and Anilda) 1 quota in Men's triple jump(Renjith or Arpinder) 2 quota in women's 5000m (OP Jaisha, LSuriya) 1 quota in women's 10,000m (L Suriya) 1 quota in women's triple jump(Mayookha Jonny, there's no fracture so she should return in 3 weeks time) 1 quota in men's 50km race walk(100% sure we will get this on 8th May) 1 quota in Men's Javelin(Neeraj or Rajinder) 1 quota in 4X400 women's relay team. Unless someone suffers from injury, these are a minimum we should get.
  18. Dear Alessandro, It is wonderful that you have noticed this new athlete Dipa from India. Just to let you know this is a new sport for us and until recently we did not think about it seriously, so Dipa did it with minimum support available. We are a sport loving nation but such sports like gymnastics we never had any hope. Dipa is a specialized vault athlete, with the Produnova vault you can expect her to score above 15 at Rio, expected finalist in the vault event, not a realistic chance in overall or other 3 events. This qualification has helped our budding gymnasts and expect more qualifications in Tokyo.
  19. So, here's one for PT Usha to work on. I saw no one pushing Jaisha in Fed cup, so I feel she needs to be pushed to senior level immediately, also 17 yr old so can improve rapidly with the growing muscles, being optimistic outside chance even for Rio maybe, should participate in the Senior Inter state. The Grand prix II has the 5000m event, both Suriya & Jaisha should participate together, can push each other to qualify for Rio, there's no point in participating separately in 1500m and 5000m without any competition.
  20. Thanks to you all again for the fantastic updates, on the Diamond League event this week-end, kindly do post the Indian participant list once they are out.
  21. 2 sure shot quota in Athletics, L Suriya(5000m/10,000m), she got 32min 39 sec in South Asian Games and 15 min 39 sec in 5000m(Fed cup), so she should get at least 1 quota. OP Jaisha is even more certain to get a quota in the upcoming Diamond League events definitely in 5000m also has a chance in 1500m. I'm also really impressed with the new girl Jyothi, she is competing strongly with Srabani and Dutee, don't count her off, she is a young athlete on the rise. Guys do let me know your thoughts.
  22. I absolutely love this forum, you guys are doing a wonderful job. Thanks to you all. I'll keep posting regularly from now on.
  23. Just a few month's back he came out of the controversy, I'm not sure the athletes competing would be happy about this decision as we saw Yogeshwar's re-action, bringing money, is he going to donate funds for the welfare of the athletes? if not any other top star could have been chosen, anyway I feel maybe someone like Big B would have generated more interest among the mass and even better sponsorship, still I'm fine and would be happy if he generates fund for athletes using his network, only that way this decision to bring him instead of ex- Olympians, shows some sense. The way I look at it is all about the amount of funds he is able to generate, nothing else matters. He has got a good opportunity, I hope he grabs it with both hands because for me his mere presence hardly helps.
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