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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. in this semi the level was not high , the TISC is much better
  2. Austria in french , it's the lonly song that i undersand at 100%
  3. russia yessssss the amazing choreography
  4. these singers are very young , there is not much emotion in their voices
  5. nederland the american country cowboy
  6. they always win by these words : hero, popular, number one , ....
  7. they have changed the swedish song , i don't like this version
  8. i listened only the songs of russia , albania , france i will listen the rest in live now
  9. the top 4 of each group will qualify ?
  10. Transit of Mercury 2016: follow today's celestial event - live
  11. yes Albania forever's also one great voice
  12. where did you find the results ,any link ?
  13. this sport is very strange , they win against strong team and lose against weak one
  14. vardy missed one penalty , he was egoist : 2 penalty for him in this match
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