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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Our hockey player scored one goal! But then I saw that the final result was 13:11, so scoring a goal is apparently not much of an achievement.
  2. I guess it was just more romantic (like all tracks) back when it wasn't fully hidden under the roof.
  3. And it must be a record participation. Four teams decided to show up for the women's race!
  4. Nah, you just don't follow skating enough. Some athletes simply have superior jumping and spinning technique, and skating skills in general. But then again, you can't see that from watching one competition. Harsh penalties for falls would KILL the sport.
  5. He did triple-triple combination, unlike most so far (that was his only clean jump pass). Also better skating skills than most (speed, control).
  6. Memola with fab transitions in and out of 2A.
  7. Levandi is a son of Nordic combined Olympic medalist.
  8. That was very robotic. No wonder his presentation got 5s.
  9. Nope, it's available only in cinema. It's not a Netflix film.
  10. You are only lucky because Haiti didn't start...
  11. Parasite is a very, very good film. All About Eve meets Metropolis.
  12. Seriously overscored. Almost 60 points with only a throw double...
  13. It's interesting how these are the first Olympic competitions (kind of) in Switzerland since 1948.
  14. I'd like to see OBS having more qualified commentators for starters.
  15. Sadly however there are some rather clear indications of wrongdoing (mistake or not)... 1) Immediate claims that the plane crashed due to technical difficulties. That's not how an air crash investigation works - it should be a process of elimination. 2) Iran refusing to send flight recorders to Boeing. 3) Coincidences are rare.
  16. I watched some non-World Cup races from St. Moritz, and it is basically few static cameras with an awful image qualify. Probably IOC preferred to have nothing over something amateurish like that.
  17. To broadcast other sports they would need many more technicians and equipment (especially with outdoor sports). It would be utterly sensless to waste money like that for an event that nobody cares about, to be honest...
  18. Are you telling me that Canada's super-safe tactics is not paying of? How shocking!
  19. And hopefully staying in the way of your opponent is not another thing in junior curling...
  20. What the hell is Canada doing? Instead of using double guard to build something, they attempted to remove a completely useless back T stone. Hope this is not a thing in junior curling.
  21. Now he assumed that Canada would rather score one than easily blank the end.
  22. Ugh, I already hate this curling broadcast. Couldn't they get a commentator who knows a thing or two about curling? Curling events usually have very good commentary.
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