it will remain as the worst Olympic moment in our history . Yazdani is not just an ordinary athlete. It will take a lot of time to forget this match, it's impossible to describe the feeling, that's more than just heartbreaking.
he was recovering from a shoulder surgery, apparently something happened to him last night. that was stupid to wrestle. he should withdrew before the start. he wrestled with just one hand and probably re-injured himself very badly, it might be the last match of his career.
pfff, even 5 more gold medals (the number of our remaining athletes) won't make up for this. I really don't know if I want to continue watching the next two days, as I'm sure this will affect the rest of the team badly. this is 2012 all over again, that time another Yazdani got injured seriously after beating his only rival and a good Olympic ended up very sad.
that was nice of Ramazanov to not celebrate though