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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Third game, third win, and third shutout game for Russia. 20 GF and 0 GA! Amazing. Is any other team in top division have identical start on championship in last 15 years?
  2. A lot of great songs this year. Even I like our song I will not vote for Serbia, that's fair enough So my votes based on second rehearsal are: 12 pt Israel 10 pt France 08 pt Greece 07 pt Cyprus 06 pt Czech Republic 05 pt Belgium 04 pt Australia 03 pt Spain 02 pt Italy 01 pt Lithuania
  3. OMG Russia is so strong this year. I didn't expect this at all, especially after that Olympic gold. It seems that couch changing was great move
  4. [hide] Preliminary Round May 4th - May 15th, 2018 16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals Group A Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 May 4th 2018, h. 16:15 Russia 3 France May 4th 2018, h. 20:15 Sweden 4 Belarus May 5th 2018, h. 12:15 Switzerland 2 Austria May 5th 2018, h. 16:15 France 1 Belarus May 5th 2018, h. 20:15 Czech Republic 2 Slovakia May 6th 2018, h. 12:15 Austria 2 Russia May 6th 2018, h. 16:15 Sweden 1 Czech Republic May 6th 2018, h. 20:15 Slovakia 2 Switzerland May 7th 2018, h. 16:15 Belarus 3 Russia May 7th 2018, h. 20:15 Sweden 4 France May 8th 2018, h. 16:15 Austria 1 Slovakia May 8th 2018, h. 20:15 Czech Republic 2 Switzerland May 9th 2018, h. 16:15 Switzerland 1 Belarus May 9th 2018, h. 20:15 Sweden 3 Austria May 10th 2018, h. 16:15 Slovakia 1 France May 10th 2018, h. 20:15 Czech Republic 1 Russia May 11th 2018, h. 16:15 France 1 Austria May 11th 2018, h. 20:15 Belarus 2 Czech Republic May 12th 2018, h. 12:15 Slovakia 3 Sweden May 12th 2018, h. 16:15 Austria 1 Belarus May 12th 2018, h. 20:15 Russia 2 Switzerland May 13th 2018, h. 16:15 France 3 Czech Republic May 13th 2018, h. 20:15 Switzerland 2 Sweden May 14th 2018, h. 16:15 Russia 3 Slovakia May 14th 2018, h. 20:15 Czech Republic 2 Austria May 15th 2018, h. 12:15 Switzerland 2 France May 15th 2018, h. 16:15 Belarus 1 Slovakia May 15th 2018, h. 20:15 Russia 2 Sweden Group B Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 May 4th 2018, h. 16:15 United States 2 Canada May 4th 2018, h. 20:15 Germany 2 Denmark May 5th 2018, h. 12:15 Norway 1 Latvia May 5th 2018, h. 16:15 Finland 5 South Korea May 5th 2018, h. 20:15 Denmark 3 United States May 6th 2018, h. 12:15 South Korea 5 Canada May 6th 2018, h. 16:15 Germany 2 Norway May 6th 2018, h. 20:15 Latvia 3 Finland May 7th 2018, h. 16:15 United States 1 Germany May 7th 2018, h. 20:15 Canada 3 Denmark May 8th 2018, h. 16:15 South Korea 1 Latvia May 8th 2018, h. 20:15 Finland 2 Norway May 9th 2018, h. 16:15 Germany 2 South Korea May 9th 2018, h. 20:15 Finland 4 Denmark May 10th 2018, h. 16:15 United States 2 Latvia May 10th 2018, h. 20:15 Norway 3 Canada May 11th 2018, h. 16:15 Denmark 2 Norway May 11th 2018, h. 20:15 United States 4 South Korea May 12th 2018, h. 12:15 Latvia 1 Germany May 12th 2018, h. 16:15 Denmark 2 South Korea May 12th 2018, h. 20:15 Canada 1 Finland May 13th 2018, h. 16:15 Norway 2 United States May 13th 2018, h. 20:15 Germany 1 Finland May 14th 2018, h. 16:15 South Korea 2 Norway May 14th 2018, h. 20:15 Canada 4 Latvia May 15th 2018, h. 12:15 Finland 2 United States May 15th 2018, h. 16:15 Canada 3 Germany May 15th 2018, h. 20:15 Latvia 1 Denmark [/hide]
  5. But leftists who started a couple of international wars were good solution? Orban is truly European and his motto "Europe for Europeans" is totally ok for me
  6. Fides landslide won in Hungarian election. And this is great news
  7. He won Norway national selection one months ago
  8. Pa koliko se ulaze u nas hokej dobro je da nam taj sport uopste i postoji. Na srecu Zvezda je ove godine i sa juniorskim ekipama igrala Interligu, sto je super jer takmicenja u mladjim kategorijama do sada nismo ni imali. I dobili smo Island ubedljivo sa 5:1
  9. Ne ispadamo posto nam je u dve poslednje utakmice protiv Islanda i Kine dovoljna i jedna pobeda. A objektivno smo bolji i od njih i od Islanđana koji su poslednji. I na ovom prvenstvu bas nismo imali srece, protiv Hrvata izgubismo golom u poslednjoj minuti, a Holanðani i Španci nas dobise u produzecima
  10. On this day, 19 years ago NATO forces began their aggression against Serbia and Montenegro without the approval of the UN Security Council. The order was given to U.S. General Wesley Clark, who at the time commanded allied forces, and by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana. Clark later wrote in his book entitled "Modern Warfare" that the planning of the war was already under way in mid-June in 1998 and was completed in August of that year. After the Serbian Assembly confirmed the decision not to accept foreign troops on its territory and suggested that UN forces should oversee a peaceful solution to the Kosovo conflict, NATO on March 24, 1999 at 19:45 CET began its air strikes, using cruise missiles and aviation, attacking several locations in Serbia and Montenegro. 19 countries of the western military alliance started their campaign from the ships in the Adriatic and four air bases in Italy. According to the estimates of the government of Serbia, at least 2,500 people, of whom 89 children, were killed during the attacks (according to some sources, the total death toll was nearly 4,000), while more than 12,500 people were wounded and injured. Almost every town in Serbia had been targeted during the 11 weeks of the air strikes. The bombing destroyed and damaged 25,000 housing units, 470 km of roads and 595 kilometers of railways. The attacks also damaged 14 airports, 19 hospitals, 20 health centers, 18 kindergartens, 69 schools, 176 cultural monuments and 44 bridges, while 38 were destroyed. During the aggression NATO carried out a total of 2,300 airs trikes on 995 facilities across the country, while 1,150 combat aircraft launched nearly 420,000 missiles. NATO also launched 1,300 cruise missiles, dropped over 37,000 cluster bombs, which killed some 200 people and wounded hundreds, and used prohibited ammunition with depleted uranium. A third of the electrical power capacity of the country was destroyed, two oil refineries, in Pancevo and Novi Sad bombed, while NATO forces used the opportunity to for the first time deploy the so-called graphite bombs to disable the power system. "The NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 used between 10 and 15 tons of depleted uranium, which caused a major environmental disaster". In Serbia, 33,000 people fall sick because of this every year. That is one child every day. The number of cancer patients will dramatically increase 20 years after NATO aggression, because that is when uranium has strongest effect, said oncologist Vladimir Cikaric. Now we have 35,000 people that suffer from cancer, and in three years that number could climb to 70,000. Number of malign sicknesses increased in Serbia after NATO bombing by 110% and the worst is yet to come. Serbia is number one in the mortality rate from tumors in Europe, and we have almost three times higher mortality than carcinoma in comparison to the world. The reason is that the dust from the depleted uranium in Pcinski area and Kosovo spread across the entire country. We all breathed it. Because of that we now have drastic increase of leukemia and lymphoma, but also all other types of carcinoma. However, the worst is yet to come. Depleted uranium has the strongest effect after 20 years and it turns healthy cells into cancer cells. That means that from 2019 the number of people who will get sick with cancer will increase, according to some assessments, there will be 70.000 people, which is twice the number we have now.
  11. Крле тактички надмашио и до сада ненадјебивог Михајловића. Не би ме чудило да овај бисер из нафталина извади Жигића и Кежмана. Сада још нека одаберу Лихтенштајн као тест за Швајцарску. А за рукомет је стварно сваки коментар сувишан.
  12. I talk about double standards and hypocrisy
  13. Angela Merkel is for the forth time in a row German chancellor. Is she dictator now? Russia is aggressor in Ukraine and Syria, but its fine and democratic when USA and UK invaded Iraq, Afghanistan. Serbia is responsible for war crimes in Kosovo, Bosnia or Croatia, but USA is innocent for 2 million of dead Vietnamese UK made a resolution that characterizes massacre in Srebrenica as act of Genocide (for killing 8,000 Bosniaks), but hundred of thousands of dead in India when that country was British colony is not a act of genocide. Or millions of people in Congo under the Belgian rule? Vladimir Putin is evil but Obama is Nobel peace laureate? Afghanistan is part of the US sphere of interest, but Crimea which has always been part of the Russian state can't be the same for Russia. American military base on Kosovo (Bondstil) with 3,000 US soldiers is perfectly fine for all western "democraties" but Russian humanitarian center in Serbia with 5 Russian humanitarian worker is problem and abnormality for all that democraties. I'm sick of their fake democracy and so called fight for human rights across the globe. They build their fortune and perfect society on slavery and blood and today plays moral icons and human rights activists. So I personally wish all the same for UK, USA, France and all others, same as they did to people across Africa and Asia for the centuries of their colonial rule there.
  14. Well majority of Romani population in Serbia integrated very well into our society, but still we have settlements like this were people avoid to integrate.
  15. The biggest Gypsy village in Serbia is Bangladesh (lol) near city of Novi Sad
  16. Two idiots on one place. Only Theresa May is missing for ful experience
  17. Israelian song is creepyyy haha ... i am not your toy yo stupid boy... hahaha Russia tomorrow on 19:00 cet
  18. Macedonia and Lithuania will not for sure, cause they are Macedonia and Lithuania Russia will deliver to us probably some pathetic (as usual). So only Israel left. Fingers crossed for them
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