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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Russia looks very good tonight. Veryyy gooood
  2. English football team in episode Desperate Housewives, third season
  3. English users are too proud to watch Worl Cup in Russia, they recognize only United 2026 loool
  4. Let's go Tunisia, kick that English asses
  5. Thats why we must play waterpolo naked Mexico is fucking great so far
  6. Our female members of society are usually good looking, but this one is untalented bitch and nobody want to meet her lol
  7. This is how Duško Tošić's wife Jelena Karleuša (Serbian singer, so called Diva and bitch) support our national team on this World Cup
  8. Thank you Lord. Finally . Even we played awfull but Costa Rica was much worst. Uh, my blood presure is very high now, but who care...
  9. We someday played good football game? Only game Morocco vs Iran were worst. With this system of play if we score one goal in group we are champions lol
  10. Expected result, Croatia is top team, Nigeria third league.
  11. France show nothing today, but it was enough for 3 points. Socceros better than anyone excepted
  12. Well, award is award. One point is great achivement, cus its not 0 lol
  13. I agree. He is just a master of fooball game. God, king, emperor. The end. And this was fabulous game
  14. This is one of the best own goals in modern football history. Congratulation Morocco
  15. A veerryyyyy precise own gol haha. Karma is bitch Morocco muahaha
  16. And we were thinking nobody can go worse than Saudis yesterday. Bunch of loosers come to World Cup to show nothing
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