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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  2. The GB medal total will end up back in the dumps like Atlanta within a games or two. What other country would allows a non winning atttude to dictate policy. And it will be impossible to then switch back because the criticism will be led by the likes of Piers Morgan.
  3. I got banned from another forums for calling out the anti winners. Apparently I was mocking mental health - I’m sorry but if you not mentally able to take anything you shouldn’t be in sport.
  4. Funding will get cut - I know there insisting it won’t but it’s inevitable once the British Press tear into all of Team GB that very few sports will survive with their current funding.
  5. The British Eurosport co commentator cursed him. She was saying she expected to see rowers pull out due to Covid in later rounds.
  6. I’m glad GB only sent 22 athletes. This feels like it will be a Covid super spreading incident.
  7. Thornley the only boat today who looks she might be be able to contend for medal on a good day. Rowing is one of the sports looking ahead already to 2024 and hoping funding doesn’t get before hand.
  8. Do we know if any of the three infected were sitting near each other. At least so far all three are separate sports. The flight landed several days ago so most infected on it should test positive by Saturday if infected on it.
  9. While compulsory would have been good there was no way some NOC’s could have got that past anti vaccination board members - countries would have withdrawn. the Second would have brought the Japanese Government down - the public anger at people not being tested would be something they could not survive.
  10. I mean you infected for a day or two but it very quickly clears up and you return to negative testing. It’s a lot more common if you are partly or fully vaccinated.
  11. False positives are pretty rare. Being only middy infected is more common than the test being wrong.
  12. And most of the contenders from Australia and New Zealand have only competed domestically since last year as well. While in some events (such as Swimming) domestic times can be useful for judging form in other events it’s a lot harder to comapare without direct competition.
  13. I can see the IOC pulling everyone on the flight out of competition.
  14. Through even then they will be cases where Human error allowed people to catch Covid. Some will follow the rules and catch it but others will have broken rules and caught it or spread it to others that way.
  15. GB is only planning a maximum of 30 and it might be even less as so many are reluctant.
  16. Surely the IOC must have known about this for a few days being the ceremony is in less than 48 hours.
  17. I think France is the exemption this time around as it still had the old deal and I don’t think did a deal with Europoort like the BBC did to help preserve 2022 and onwards. From 2022 France and UK come under the new deal.
  18. She was obviously waiting to rule out if she was a victim of a false positive.
  19. Not sure where he is at the moment - I would have thought he be in the village by now but it’s not been confirmed. Or how long they had been in Japan.
  20. Me too. Four days before is pushing it to even fully get over the jet lag. I wonder how many are not there yet? It seems from the UK about half haven’t yet left the UK which is a risk with how high the UK Covid cases are.
  21. The Dutch need to be a lot better at the defence or they will suffer against better teams.
  22. Probably not. The remaining two will just compete in the individual event only I suspect. The team event doesn’t need a specific number of countries.
  23. An hundred years on from 1936 would be something I am not sure the IOC will go for.
  24. Can’t see many more goals from the Dutch. They easing off.
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