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Totallympics Professional
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
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  1. ESP is not confirmed yet
  2. Russia reject women's continental quota. The quota will be reasigned to the next european not qualified in the olympic ranking Quota to Laura Heredia??
  3. And in the 125 kg Men Freestyle ???
  4. But in case of neccesary reallocation for a continental quota place, the next eligible athlete on the ranking will be from the sabe continental For example, if BLR don't select Prasiantsova, the quota will go to Heredia (Spain) and not for Zhang (China)
  5. But all depends to the country's selection. GBR, MEX, BLR and RUS can choose the quotas by the ranking, Continental championship or World championships
  6. Why 2019 World Championships USA´s quota, in women, don´t go to AUS??
  7. Are South Africa (men) and Egypt (women) qualified by the "Minimum Allocation per Continent"? Germany (men) and Belgium (women) out?
  8. Is for Zion no?
  9. Anderson is 15th minimum. Quota is for canadian skater
  10. Ok, sorry for my mistake. Previous years was a 5-star
  11. Why Bombette Martin? She had 4695 + 14th (980) in Dew Tour is a total 5675 points. Shanae Collins had 5683 points.
  12. Be careful with Adriana Cerezo (ESP) in 49 kg....a future star
  13. Only Israel and Portugal to the golden group?
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