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Khadidja Aisha

Totallympics World Class
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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Winter Olympic Games
  • Real Name
    Khadidja Aisha Said
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  1. Sh isarealy a heroun, dont take the accons stay at home my message to all hungarian athlets.
  2. Witch arethe lowestranked country who will compet, in Tokyo.
  3. Thething i reactedto is that aathlet change nationality to make a team cut, i sould no do it, een if i could win on it, but that is just me.
  4. It was new to me, andrgen The f4ree state behae like Wrst Germany did to EastGermany, deniel of a citizenchip.
  5. I think Moldoa has2 weightlifters not one.
  6. In oneway i understand, the practical way, but not moraly,bescause if you say onesthat you are brittish citiuzen you suddently become irish, becausethen you useacitizenchip to get faors. It is not may eay to act.
  7. Please i have aqiestion, hwcan an irish atlet sometimescompeteas brottish andsometimes as an irish, dont understand14 in the irish team haecompeted in commonealth games, then they becom northern irish.
  8. Hello from witch country didthat anadian cykling qita come from the begining.Pitty that Iran dident sendthat female weightlifter.
  9. hELLO WHO GOOT THAT QOUTA, HOW MANY Domenican Tepublic and Mexico.
  10. according to many legendsthe berboic peopleand celtic perople arerelated far back in time. The milesians the peoplewho beome orish serparated frpm the berbic people 3.210 yearsago.
  11. I am higly intrested in Ireland, eerythoing from that island,
  12. Pleasecan anyonefrom GreatBritain correct me if i am weong, the theams in Rugby andand Hocky isent it all Ireland,, not Ulster och freestaststeam, and it will betreeoristeam.
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