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Everything posted by ChandlerMne

  1. 3 zlata za djevojke u boksu! Kaluhina, Cirkovic i Sadrina. Kaluhina je do 65 kg tako da vjerujem da ce ici na kvalifikacioni turnir.
  2. Nista od 1B divizije. Sasvim druga slika od olimpijskih kvalifikacija.
  3. Ovaj dubl skul je katastrofa, jos su gori nego sto sam mislio. Nije da sam se inace nadao kvoti ali je ovo zaista uzas. Ne trebaju ih ni slati na regatu.
  4. Poznat je sastav za kvalifikacije u kajaku i kanuu. K1 1000 - Bojan Zdelar C1 200 - Tijana Arsic K2 500 - Holpert, Dragosavljevic K2 500 - Bedec, Urtajl. Tesko je nesto prognozirati. Svakako da je najblizi kvoti muski K2. Zdelar me nije impresionirao, konkurencija je jaka, ne dajem velike sanse. Zenski dvojac je misterija za mene, narocito ova Urtajl, za mene je nepoznata. Bile su za sekundu brze od pratilaca, ali one su nova posada, sastavljena tek za kvalifikacije, sa malo trka, ne djeluje obecavajuce. Arsicka nema sanse.
  5. U finalu 6 camaca a 3 kvote, nadam se da ce odraditi to sto treba.
  6. Gledao sam ih ja prosle godine u 1B diviziji. Uopste nisu bili losi, dobro su igrali prakticno protiv svih tako da bi bila steta da ostanu u drugoj diviziji. Koliko se ulaze u hokej, oni su fenomenalni.
  7. Treba istaci sjajnu pobjedu Sadrine nad Harington. Nanijela joj je prvi poraz nakon 3 godine! Keli je inace olimpijska sampionka!
  8. Yes, vs for IB division. Serbia was strugging a lot today but managed to outscore Russians in .
  9. It will be interesting battle for the 1st place. I would say that last round match Serbia vs Croatia will decide the winner of the tournament.
  10. I wouldn't guess in a million years that Slovakia was that team. What about time before 1994? Which format were they using?
  11. This will be interesting. UAE with another victory. After 2nd round, we will probably have 3 teams with 6 points. I still cant decide which team will advance into 1B division. But one thing i know. If UAE advances, it would be the 1st time that team from 3rd division qualifies for the 1st division in just 2 years.
  12. Looks like UAE bought every player of their roster. As one could expect, they are mainly Russians, some Croats. Long live petroleum fields.
  13. Yeah, Jolyn is usually calmer in these deciding moments.
  14. Svidja mi se sto se u tim uvode nova imena, vidim par igracica koje su 2005 godiste.
  15. Social media is full of Dubai videos. Not a surprise that people on airport are stranded.
  16. That process is logical, only problem is - will IOC stick to it 100 %. From what i was reading last few months, they changed policies more than once.
  17. As you can see, ISSF already has strange politics in every sense, plus this situation is a precedent. Not an easy task even for most advanced organisations, let alone ISSF. I am curious to see how will IOC untangle this.
  18. Quota goes to NOC, i think only thing that IOC will do is to propose different shooter from BLR.
  19. 50 m TP isnt easiest to predict but this one shouldnt be too hard.
  20. I think that 6 shooters will fight for 2 quotas in 50 m TP.
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