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ChandlerMne last won the day on November 27 2017

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
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    Too many of them
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  1. Not that i followed the process consistently but from what i saw or heard, Coe and Samaranch Jr were obvious favorites. They were hyped, Kristy wasnt. At least i thought so. Her being endorsed by Bach is completely new to me.
  2. Not so sure about this election outcome but: 1. I am glad that woman won 2. I am glad that someone from Africa won 3. I am glad that outsider for the position won 4. I hope that she will be sane enough to enrich the Games with good sport choices - to focus on athletes, not on DEI policy 5. Modernisation of Games is a must but it shouldn't be done the way Bach did it. Experiments with stupid mix relays, breakdancing are here to reminds us what NOT to do. 6. I hope that she will solve participation issue
  3. Turkey and Slovakia took part in recently finished IBA World Women Championships. Double standards as it seams.
  4. IBA still has many member states. Ofcourse, no side wants some kind of agreement. I dont support IBA but every country should have equal rights to qualify for LA.
  5. I am not so sure that any candidate will focus primarily on sports. Their interest will probably be stuff AROUND the olympics like transgender inclusion and so on. I hope that the most sane candidate will prevail.
  6. Ona je nase blago, bila i ostala. Vrhunski rezultat, ako se ustali na ovim daljinama medalje su sigurne. A za rvace... Ocajna generacija muskaraca. Imao sam prilike da ih gledam, njima nedostaje mnogo toga. Tehnika prije svega. Ostali smo bez Dobreva, Dokmanac i Trajkovic su se povukli, ako nam je struka spala na Maksimovica... Ne pise nam se dobro
  7. "Finu" generaciju rvaca imamo. 11 takmicara na EP za mladje seniore, 1 (JEDNA!!!) pobjeda.
  8. Brankovicka svjetska sampionka. Pobijedila je dobre takmicarke.
  9. Rekao bih da je velika vecina zemalja bojkotovala SP. Do medalje sa 2 pobjede... Elem, jedino je Brankovicka bila na zaista visokom nivou. Savladala je bronzanu sa OI. Ostale... Kao medelje u rukometu. Znas da si je osvojio zbog domacinstva. Nista drugo.
  10. Terrible news. He was among my heroes. Had ill heart for ages, as it seams. Fell out of the window apparently.
  11. Veficev rezultat je sokantan. Bio je bolji recimo od Cepurnjija.
  12. How many nations will participate?
  13. Very interesting results. Thai girls 9 points.
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