Not that i followed the process consistently but from what i saw or heard, Coe and Samaranch Jr were obvious favorites. They were hyped, Kristy wasnt. At least i thought so.
Her being endorsed by Bach is completely new to me.
Not so sure about this election outcome but:
1. I am glad that woman won
2. I am glad that someone from Africa won
3. I am glad that outsider for the position won
4. I hope that she will be sane enough to enrich the Games with good sport choices - to focus on athletes, not on DEI policy
5. Modernisation of Games is a must but it shouldn't be done the way Bach did it. Experiments with stupid mix relays, breakdancing are here to reminds us what NOT to do.
6. I hope that she will solve participation issue
IBA still has many member states.
Ofcourse, no side wants some kind of agreement.
I dont support IBA but every country should have equal rights to qualify for LA.
I am not so sure that any candidate will focus primarily on sports. Their interest will probably be stuff AROUND the olympics like transgender inclusion and so on.
I hope that the most sane candidate will prevail.
Ona je nase blago, bila i ostala.
Vrhunski rezultat, ako se ustali na ovim daljinama medalje su sigurne.
A za rvace... Ocajna generacija muskaraca. Imao sam prilike da ih gledam, njima nedostaje mnogo toga. Tehnika prije svega.
Ostali smo bez Dobreva, Dokmanac i Trajkovic su se povukli, ako nam je struka spala na Maksimovica... Ne pise nam se dobro
Rekao bih da je velika vecina zemalja bojkotovala SP.
Do medalje sa 2 pobjede...
Elem, jedino je Brankovicka bila na zaista visokom nivou.
Savladala je bronzanu sa OI.
Ostale... Kao medelje u rukometu. Znas da si je osvojio zbog domacinstva. Nista drugo.