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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. I must have missed something because everytime you talk about the "committee" I don't know what it's about
  2. Great ceremony amen09, good job! The venue for this TOISC is amazing
  3. My cousin's husband comes from Tataouine, his family still lives there!
  4. France is 5th in the voting order and we didn't receive anything yet so I don't think it's that
  5. I think I have an idea on which country could win but I don't know if I can say it
  6. The first time I heard this song I thought it was weird, and I still do, but it really grew on me and now I really like it! And the video clip is nice, I think everyone can relate to it at least a little bit We all have bad days where everything goes wrong:
  7. No I didn't want to be first, I find it not interesting to be in the first juries
  8. What was the song? I don't remember it (don't worry it's not a bad sign I remember only a few songs like the winners and the French songs )
  9. France is 4th on the list of average points? I didn't think we were this high. Let's hope that we'll reach the average this year
  10. I kind of hate when you talk about that one song you loved and you're listening to all the time or that song you hated in this contest because I'm soooo curious This is torture to tell us that because we have to wait a long time before the D-Day XD (it's still 2 weeks away.......)
  11. I honestly don't remember which song was the worst for me And I don't want to find out XD
  12. Exactly, I'm not a fan of rap music for example but sometimes I like songs that fit in that category (but the songs doesn't have to be only rap, the rapper has to sing (or there must be a singer who sings the chorus) and the music must be good (according to me ofc), stuff like that) There are always exceptions, songs that you don't want other people to know you like
  13. Well, I'm 21 so I'm part of the generation that loooooves all the songs that are so popular but that I hate (I don't hate all of them but like 95% ), but maybe I'm 40 in my head I don't know
  14. Wow, I had never seen things from this angle, but you're absolutely right! That's why I'm glad Spotify exists and shows you songs you could like according to what you listen to.
  15. Every decade before the 2010's has good and diverse music (in my opinion) But the 2010's are a musical disaster...
  16. Oh and I really like this song too (too bad she's French Canadian and not French, otherwise I would have used this song for the next TISC :p) :
  17. This isn't the kind of things I listen to normally but when I first heard it, it literally made me cry. It has such a powerful meaning: And another song that has nothing to do with the first one, but it's one of the best music videos ever, also I love the song so great combo:
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