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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Mom, can we please get some Nunspeet Wolves?? We have Nunspeet Wolves at home Nunspett Wolves at home: Veluwe Vipers
  2. our team got 2 points from India at the moment, I sense an early exit
  3. Honestly, getting points from the first two juries can be such a bait to your expectations Now the right side of the scoreboard looks like it's calling for me
  4. You got to be kidding me, I always pronounced your name in the spirit of black magic that is voodoo with a hey at the start If I ever do a live presentation, I'll commit to a Hey-Wood-Ooh
  5. member when we actually scored points and had a pretty good combined score? I member
  6. Just came to say that I was happy that I was wrong and Lendel actually pulled through to win a bronze, that's a nice achievement for him even if a lot of notable athletes missed this competition.
  7. @OlympicIRL knew exactly what he was doing when he picked Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova this year
  8. We look to see if anyone got a gold and then if they didn't, just flip a coin
  9. Mandatory @hckosice is falling behind in the Czechoslovakian trophy for the first time in forever
  10. Okay, the mandatory: did Lithuania score anything in the craziness that is the Italian jury? @Gianlu33 @SteveParker ? Perhaps you're up.
  11. Is this actually the very first TISC where the scoreboard is updated already in the order by score?
  12. Oh my god, Denmark is always one of my biggest loves Thank you @Wumo and @Agger
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