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Everything posted by Griff88

  1. Came back to watch the 3x3 and oh boy how exciting was it
  2. Just realized TV Pública Argentina also got some events, another help to stay away from the Olympic Channel website
  3. A present to Olympic Champion in Fencing 1976
  4. Ratna Sarumpaet.. Perhaps the biggest joke of the year in term of Indonesian political drama.
  5. Meanwhile in Indonesia... One of the pro-opposition and vocal critic of the current president faked an assault case, while she actually has just got some plastic surgery to combat her wrinkles. All the opposition MP began accusing the government as evil regime etc, but after a police investigation.. it turned to be a hoax. Even the leader of the opposition (also candidate for the next election) believed her Then she publicly apologized, citing she is too shy to admit that she had a plastic surgery. They never learned how to fake a medical conditions, just like the guy who pretend to be hospitalized with a flat-line monitor I shared a while back here
  6. Well... if you add up the whole wrestling clips from the daily highlights it will be more than a minute...
  7. I think for some reason IOC just hate Indonesia.. Every time they're going to play, the main Youtube stream just switch sports (and I hate the Olympic Channel website). I mean, c'mon, this is not how you should treat a 2032 bidder
  8. Frenchman Merkle lost to Japan in badminton bronze medal match. Non -Asian still can't touch medal in badminton. But wait, there's Santa Mixed NOC ready to share medals
  9. I'm not sure whether to give 'sad' or 'haha' react
  10. Now I know why everyone was looking for this lol I thought they love seeing Aussies smashing the Zambians
  11. I feel you.. Just like me when voicing my disapproval and doubt when Indonesia is bidding for 2032 Summer Games. My close friends even said "Why can't you be optimistic with this country? We have 14 years!".
  12. I think I am just too excited about this issue @dcro I wrote to, since I am pretty sure they will respond it quite fast (which is true)
  13. Basically just complained about how I can't watch some sports, then adding more drama with "Olympic shouldn't just promoting gender equality but also equality in sport streaming". Also add words like "extreme decline since Nanjing 2014" and "I can not imagine what will happen in 2022 if this issue is not resolved".
  14. And after that reply, I tried to become a d**k by spamming Olympic Channel streams with: "If they can't broadcast more sports we will only have 5 sports live in Dakar 2022." One Indian user thought I was serious
  15. I did write to them when I was frustrated when I can't see women's 53 kg in weightlifting, and they replied: Thank you for contacting the Olympic Channel about YOG live streams and we hear your frustration. The Olympic Channel is streaming all events that the Host Broadcaster and IOC are producing. Unfortunately, production is not available to us for all 239 YOG events. If you do not see your desired event listed, then a live stream is not available. Although we realize it is not the same as watching competition, we will provide coverage of all sports at the YOG, including those without live streams, via highlights on our 24/7 YOG Channel. Hope this helps and enjoy the Games. Hope this answers
  16. I think as long as sliding track is needed, the future for Winter Olympic Games is dark. Unlike Summer editions where any ambitious Asian country can just step in and grab the hosting rights.
  17. Well.. this time they use local host broadcasters, so they use a national (yes, not international) standard. They thought they can cover events like this.. They did not know it is being streamed at the Paralympic Channel and the whole world can watch it
  18. Indeed.. Finally my life is complete
  19. And Timor Leste won a dramatic race to clinch their first gold.. Sadly I only managed to record the medal ceremony
  20. Yea.. Now, the most realistic medal chance is from Mixed NOC event lol
  21. Ah I now understand why he was called Bozo! So this is just Brazilian version of Trump, who is just plain crazy yet people are supporting him? Right?
  22. Maybe 6 months after he adopted a surname? In fact it is the same man... I don't know how they can be so random
  23. And secured their first medal.. in weightlifting!
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