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Everything posted by AmericanHero40

  1. Let's see what he wrote "Iran is talking very boldly about targeting certain USA assets as revenge for our ridding the world of their terrorist leader who had just killed an American, & badly wounded many others, not to mention all of the people he had killed over his lifetime, including recently hundreds of Iranian protesters. He was already attacking our Embassy, and preparing for additional hits in other locations. Iran has been nothing but problems for many years. Let this serve as a WARNING that if Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!" Was Soleimani this benevolent leader he suddenly made to be? or was he a terrorist who did attack US Soil (embassy=soil) and killed many others including his own country, and after his death many celebrated on the streets of Iraq and Iran because he was that evil. Now what exactly does he say wrong? does he say that he's about to press the button? no.... he's saying that if they will attack U.S bases he will retaliate, is that wrong? are we suppose to just let them attack and do nothing? there should be a measure of intimidation and understanding of what will happen if there will be an attack.
  2. AOC is a "BRIGHTEST" Leader Thank you! i need that laugh, actually i need to screenshot it, that's the funniest shit i heard all day, even funnier then the pats losing to the f'n titans
  3. It was very clear that is was a targeted assassination against a target that killed many Americans, just attacked u.s soil, and had direct plans to kill more Americans. He was very clear that he's not going to a war with Iran, Iran also have no interest in that, because in that kind of war they will stand no chance (against US, or against Israel). So people should really stop with the ridiculous protests and tweets. We killed 1 terrorist, no one is going to war, there will be no world war 3
  4. Ivanka going to be the first female president. Dont know if it will be in 2024 but it's going to happen
  5. Yea off course i saw it, twice actually, once on opening day, and 2 days ago i took my son. Anyway i enjoyed it, but i enjoyed this new trilogy, Force Awakens is my second favorite star wars movie. The end of the movie is totally reminding me of the end to Avengers Endgame. With the main force first attacking the big bad fleet, then they think all is doomed, only for ton of help to show up behind them (on your right). And Rey with the "I Am all the Jedi" , very close to "I AM IRON MAN". I Wasn't a fan of those new force powers that were not introduced before (In last jedi, luke's necklace disappeared, here they transfer stuff with the force? little too convenient) I think it would've been better if JJ would've done the whole trilogy, Last Jedi feels out of place, however they retcon'd it nicely with rey's heritage (before the movie i thought that obi-wan will be her grandfather, but after seeing the electricity it was obvious that it will be paltpatine) Looking at the very end, it's nice that she took the lightsabre's back to tatooine, however the end with her telling that she is Rey Skywalker is just not belivable, she wanted to be her own person, better way for her would've been to say "Just Rey"
  6. Well then stop looking and tell them to suck it!
  7. Hey you're the one who dont want to come to la sevens. I just got my ticket yesterday You were totally Team Stark huh
  8. Fine you got me. Though I really do hope don jr runs. I heard some podcasts with him and he is very interesting
  9. I'm sorry I left my copy of the Sokovia Accords at home
  10. You don`t get to decide, Pelosi can sit on them forever but until she does transmit he's not impeached, and will never be removed. And there was nothing non-partisan about the house process, republican reps were shut down trying to ask question, not one republican voted for it, few democrats actually voted against it.
  11. On a partisan process that is against everything in the constitution, how are those articles? when are they being transmitted? trying to milk it for everything since you know they are being dismissed the second it gets to senate huh
  12. I served in the army, i did my time, did you?
  13. Oh i'm not triggered, i'm never triggered, i'm not a liberal. We control the white house, the senate, have great economy, we are enjoying life under trump. No reason to get triggered really.
  14. Oh peace by how obama gave them money to denuclearize and they took it and did nothing? right.... All it did is show our weakness to the world. Thank God, no actually THANK TRUMP that he got us out of this horrific deal. Btw i know you said balls, but you meant the other part, the one that women have
  15. well Obama was re-elected so yea i guess you have a point about Nazis
  16. By killing the number 1 terrorist? right.....
  17. And the rest of the country will remember the greatness of this administration, leading to a landslide victory, so you can take the 55 electorates and shove them, another 300+ electoral votes coming
  18. Seeing their reactions, sounds like they do support Iran
  19. Ben Shapiro is a wonderful contributor who does not follow trump blindly like some people think, he will call him out when needed and praise him when needed. Liberals are everything that is wrong with this world
  20. You should really go to Twitter's of actual intellectuals like Ben Shapiro. Big surprise a liberal was against it. If obama would have done this he wouidve been worshipped
  21. You should really follow me on twitter. I'm retweeting a lot of good stuff. You might even learn something. And go see what CNBC tweeted, can't really say that they are very much in favor of our g.o.a.t
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