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Everything posted by AmericanHero40

  1. Bloomberg banking on california for super tuesday, he's trying to make a grand entrance
  2. They are trying to get it to a brokered convention where bloomberg can win, i think biden is done so the media need to pick a new favorite
  3. Well Warren will not get anywhere, it's obvious by now. But the change you are looking for will bankrupt the country (and i'm not even talking about his other catastrophic ideas)
  4. You speak about blindly following leaders, and following sanders without considering what is the cost of his proposals. I follow trump because i see the amazing results and work he's doing for the country
  5. So i'm a redneck huh? good to know And Fox talks about the choices and the politicians, not the voters. Just yesterday Hannity went to a biden rally and spoke to voters very respectfully. There's a reason why the top 6 shows between on news channels are all on fox with Hannity,Tucker and Ingraham being the top 3
  6. CNN are very smug, did you see Don Lemon's bit about trump's voters? FOX never talk down on democrat voters
  7. I'm assuming that CNN is much more widespread, i dont know if fox news is even available in europe. However when you get the chance check out the ratings of fox vs msnbc vs cnn, get back to me once you do
  8. Do yourself a favor. Stop watching cnn.
  9. You dont have it to spend. The nation makes 4 trillion from taxes. You will bankrupt us immediately. It's not like you have 500 trillion just sitting there. That's what people dont understand from this whole bernie approach. He saying the nice words that getting all the young people in. In reality if he will get elected it will be a disaster. And I'm not even bringing trump in the equation since even his party( minus warren) is against medicare for all
  10. That want to spend 60 trillion dollars.... what can go wrong
  11. Not only at school. I say it every morning at home! "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
  12. Oh i'm not a Clippers fan, i was always a Lakers fan (before LeBron) however objectively speaking clippers does have a better team, with a prime Kawaii and George, and they beat the lakers twice already.
  13. They couldn't even win the world cup with second tier nba players. Maybe WNBA, but Basketball came up a long way and the other countries caught up to us.
  14. No way, LeBron sat last one out, i'm sure he will come up with an excuse. Curry is injured for the year i think he will rehab and the warriors wont let him go to Tokyo. USA should be just fine as long as most other names will show up like Davis, George, Kawaii, Harden, Kyrie, Westbrook
  15. Lol both NBA and Euroleague champions are not there.
  16. The whole "EDITING" thing is so stupid. The last worlds in athletics and gymnastics were live on olympic channel/nbc sports net (i dont remember which) with the regular nbc announcers. Didn't need editing
  17. I hope they will use Peacock for live local broadcast with NBC announcers of stuff they would leave for primetime that the IOC didnt move like Swimming (basically Gymnastics and Athletics). I know it will all be on the app but as far as i remember from Rio, the streaming events had the ioc broadcasters, which is fine but i do enjoy american announcers
  18. Like always everything is in liberman's hands , and well..... everything is a mess due to that, he wont sit with arabs from one side, or the religious from the other. They should do what they did few times with different elections to PM and to the parties. so people can select the PM directly and he will have to work with whatever size his party have in the knesset, like they do here
  19. I keep hearing it about everywhere in Israel. I used to live in Beer Yakov, i was told that i wouldn't recognize it now, it's all high rises and million dollar condo's
  20. Though i haven't been to that area is like 9 years
  21. No chance due to the whole trial that is looming above bibi's head
  22. The airforce technical school at the haifa airport
  23. i fear it will not be over after the 3rd one
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