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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Quota for - now with mathematical certainty
  2. because i had forgotten her and then wasn't able to modify the table on the forum. And it was not clear to me if Eifler (rank 29, 59 points) should be higher than Di Tella (rank 25, 55 points)- it depends on the meaning of "highest-ranked". But I believe it doesn't matter anyway, the deadline has passed and nobody announcing they got the quota most likely means that it went to a more exotic NOC
  3. Right, I forgot to add the result system (other than DQs and protests) made by Atos, a well known Roman company and clearly chosen by the Romans by popular vote rather than European athletics
  4. I have yet to understand why so many here think that "Italy" (the federation? NOC? country? government? Miss Italy?) has something to do with DQs, protests, etc.
  5. Very worrying. In a decade or so, the 2024 Olympics might be remembered as the start of a new ultranationalistic and far-right dominated France.
  6. because a false start means starting (= losing contact with the plates or ground ), not any small movement recorded by the sensors.
  7. because they are morons, they had 1 place for 10m and 1 place for 50m so according to their policy if you don't win the trials you are a loser and don't deserve to be selected, even if the trials winner already had the spot as a double starter.
  8. Americans and their obsession with they give up 1 place in two individual events + 1 mixed team just because.
  9. Those team medals count since 2018. This results/timing system just sucks, it might be a multi billion company but they probably employed Pakistani teenagers for 1$ a day to do the work.
  10. Crippa easily going to win
  11. With this result and timing system it will be fun to follow the Olympics
  12. And now Cimini spoke about it...he had a brain hemmorhage and had temporarily lost the use of his left leg.
  13. - best result in a certain period or in a certain set of competitions; - a combination of best results (ranking); - decision by "coach", "technical director", "committee" - whoever is responsible.
  14. either my English is so bad that you understood something like this or you are misinterpreting it on purpose... yes, until a certain date.
  15. Buying a ticket doesn't seem a good comparison to me. Here we have a small and previously set number of places, and a ranking of (many more) people to fill those places. It's like applying to a university with few places or to enter a public contest for hiring new personnel... there's always some sort punishment if you are selected and accept instead of declining in time so that your spot can be reallocated to the next best ranked candidate. Having to pay and being bumped down the rankings or limited in regard to your future applications is not uncommon.
  16. I wouldn't feel sympathy for them even if the Championships were held 1 week before the Olympics and in Iceland. Nobody is forcing top-tier athletes to compete, they just have to make a choice before a certain date, like for everything else in life with restricted number access.
  17. Athletes "changing plans" 3 days before a big competition with restricted number access is equally as shitty. Just set a cut-off date and anyone who is registered by that time must be present, or provide a medical certificate for the injury or "injury" and not compete for a month or so.
  18. No doubt about that, it seems the right and just thing to do.
  19. I don't think it was sports-related, it seemed like an incident or pretty serious illness, they kept it private but his teammates kept showing messages of support.
  20. Which olympic events would have less than 21 NOCs "supporting" them?
  21. - 3 weeks Olympics and more quotas - qualification systems in all sports mainly based on rankings of 2 years of "world cups" + world and continental championships. Top 8 athletes guaranteed to qualify with a limit of 4 per country. Heavy use of rankings also in team sports. Less knock out tournaments. - require every international federation to set a clear rulebook, "code of points", "example cases" to be admitted to the Olympics- there must be nearly always a consensus between officials on who is the winner, how an action should be judged, etc. In general: - less amateurism in running world-level competitions; - stricter antidoping rules for elite athletes
  22. It's also official that Eszter Muhari is qualified in women's epee, replacing Anna Kun.
  23. Fiorentina has unconsistent defenders and attackers who can't shoot, guys like Ikonè and Kouamè should have done track and field, not a sport with a ball involved.
  24. Those who don't complain of robberies in boxing usually complain harder when it's one of their compatriot's turn.
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