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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Ilieva and Tulen gets the last spots. Now, since France had no need to use any host quota, there are 8 universality places for tripartite nations- too many, considering that a few of them qualified on their own. So some of them will be reallocated. "if the Tripartite Commission is not able to allocate Universality Place(s), such unallocated Place(s) will be attributed by the FIE to the next highest-ranked eligible athlete in the Individual Senior Adjusted Official Ranking (AOR) as of 1 April 2024, across all weapon and all FIE Zones, but strictly respecting the following: - The maximum number of athletes in each individual event (37) and - The NOC must not have any athlete already qualified in the corresponding individual event " The first eligible fencers in order should be RANK FENCER NOC POINTS 13 LLAVADOR Carlos ESP 98 m foil 17 XIAO Ruien CAN 76,5 w epee 19 BASHTA Anna AZE 75 w sabre 20 ERBIL Nisanur TUR 71 w sabre 23 BAYARD Alexis SUI 68 m epee 23 TEODOSIU Iulian ROU 66 m sabre 25 DI TELLA Isabel ARG 58 w epee 28 PEREIRA Yulen ESP 55 m epee **** EIFLER Larissa GER 58,5 w sabre
  2. Not trying to answer to everything (it would take a long post of repeating word for word the same things said yesterday or 1 month ago over and over), just want to point out that: 1) Ilieva, even if she fails today, and Llavador are 99% getting in with reallocation; 2) the FIE absolutely and rightly wants to keep 12 olympic events,which they manager to get at Tokyo 2021 for the first time, and thinking that the IOC would keep the same number of quotas for fencing if they get rid of the team events is pure nonsense (and, sorry to say it, but it doesn't surprise me that the suggestion come from someone who barely follows the sports). With only 6 events it's way more likely that there'd be a much smaller field. Anyway the IOC also wrote to the FIE making clear that they consider the fencing qualification system a good one. You can read hundreds of page long transcripts of the FIE meetings on their website, in the last few years most of the time was spent discussing first the olympic qualification and then the Russian status.
  3. Agree in theory but not in practice in this case: when your best was like 30th in the individual olympic ranking across all weapons, and the field is around 34 fencers, with any qualification system with continental limitations qualifying someone would be a coin toss
  4. You have one, competing for Cyprus. It's more the reward for how stupid and ignorant the British sport system is in regards to funding in sports where results are highly variable, i clearly remember they cut fencing funding to zero because Kruse lost the bronze medal bout in 2016 (while they had 1 medal target), until he won a WCh medal in 2018 or something. Zero funding despite having one of the best in the world in his weapon for a few years, no wonder you lost some potential.
  5. Again, if 3 fencers from country X are there for the team event, having only 2 of them compete in the individual event won't increase the spots for individuals unless the total number of quotas is increased - which is clearly not happening.
  6. That would mean increasing the total number of fencers so it's not realistic. Also, more direct quotas in a sport highly open to upsets it's just lazy and not meritocratic - this is one of the few olympic sports with a very well established ranking based on a clear world cup/GP circuit where the best alnost always compete against each other.
  7. Asian here On the other hand, as usual any info on African QT seem impossible to find.
  8. And Hecht - Brunner in women's epee
  9. men's foil semifinals: Files - De Greef Winterberg-Poulsen - Tofalides Llavador out and now has to hope that some universality quotas get reallocated.
  10. Oh no, Mikaela Shiffrin-Kilde incoming. Or even worse, Mikaela Kilde.
  11.,-il-13-giugno-riceveranno-il-tricolore-da-mattarella.html Arianna Errigo and Gianmarco Tamberi officially selected as flag bearers for
  12. No, there's no chance, rules are clear. The mistake was not using other walkers to field a 3rd pair like Japan did as backup, Instead of having them compete in the useless individual race. Amateurish mistake, here medals count way less than qualifying for Paris...probably even mixing pairs (Palmisano-3rd man, Stano-3rd woman) would have been enough.
  13. Great, they're going to win and they won't be in Paris (in the relay)
  14. Stano injured after stepping on a bottle thrown by someone else, so goodbye to the 2nd team for Italy, and maybe 2 big Olympic medal chances, individual and relay, already gone.
  15. July Ranking. After the zonal championships.
  16. Who and in which tv channel and language?
  17. Don't think UEFA will do it in the near future, they've been having early games for years in the group stage and the EL and most probably they estimated that the loss of audience they'd face for the 2 games starting in the afternoon would be greater than the number of people watching both games for 2 days in a row.
  18. don't know, you need to contact them
  19. Nope, you have to pay them to get details of a country.
  20. they clearly named it like that to get media's not even an "Olympic qualification championship" but it sounds better than "event similar to a world cup with Olympic quotas at stake" .
  21. Folie with her physical issues would have been useless anyway in tournaments where you play many games in a short period of time and with a small roster.
  22. The Portuguese, yes. The rest, not so much.
  23. This 59 years old federation president from competing? Nice. 3 points per arrow average so far.
  24. She's been living in Italy for years (at least 7 when EU citizens only need 4 consecutive years of residency) + married and had a daughter with an Italian (which should cut in half the waiting period), I'd be surprised if she didn't already go through all the paperwork. Especially considering that her instagram post suggests she also need it for her post-judo life. This nationality switch is way more authentic than all those fake refugees, if the Dutch federation has accepted to waive the waiting period I see no problem.
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