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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Fer GUA

  1. Thanks for the 11 pts! (silver medal) Thank you for 4 pts! and Thank you for 8 pts!
  2. Already a recount before the end of the elections?? Hahaha. Thanks for the correction.
  3. I didn't think Sweden was gonna be so high, but good. So far, great scorings, still lots to play. Great songs.
  4. Matyox (Thanks in Kaqchikel) and the twelve points go to..... Guatemala Slovenia 12 Poland 11 Greece 10 Czech Republic 9 Sweden 8 Serbia 7 Italy 6 Spain 5 Tunisia 4 Moldova 3 Mexico 2 China 1 And that completes the results of the votes from the Guatemalan National Jury. Have a great day!
  5. Eleven points go to... Guatemala Poland 11 Greece 10 Czech Republic 9 Sweden 8 Serbia 7 Italy 6 Spain 5 Tunisia 4 Moldova 3 Mexico 2 China 1
  6. Xsaqär (Good Morning in Kaqchikel) Greetings from Guatemala! On behalf of the Guatemalan delegation I would like to thank our hosts for organizing another fun TISC Grand Final Day and we wish good luck to all the participants. Without further ado, these are the results of the votes of the Guatemalan National Jury.... Guatemala Greece 10 Czech Republic 9 Sweden 8 Serbia 7 Italy 6 Spain 5 Tunisia 4 Moldova 3 Mexico 2 China 1
  7. So, how is the board going on with points??? A quick update before the start of the next segment?
  8. ¡Buenos Días América! Good Afternoon Europe, Africa! Good Evening Asia and Oceania! I thought votes had been cast because of the previous schedule, but glad to see I get to vote in a few hours. Thanks to for the votes!
  9. was also invited to the special edition of the Bolivarian Games and seems like is not participating.
  10. Sorry, I was at work. Starting tomorrow thru Sunday is busy busy days here with Halloween, All Saints Day, Día de Muertos, so I might no be around the whole weekend. Good thing the final got postponed.
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