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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. BBC says two water polo players have suffered 'minor' injuries.
  2. Katarzyna Wasick makes the 50m Free SFs. It's a mild upset tbh.
  3. Canada has destroyed the Atlantic cod population already so it's no wonder they're targeting another species like whales next
  4. Our figure skating is otherwise worthless these days so why not? Sending any other female skater even for Euro Champs would be a waste of time
  5. Ekaterina Kurakova has been granted ISU certificate today and will represent on international stage from this season
  6. Can't say anything about Harris but Warren has already shit the bed with her Native heritage claims. As for Johnson, well, he was for sure the worst Democratic President in the XX century. The Vietnam hangover is all on this guy
  7. Which President signed this? Carter? Bernie was a no-hoper too tbh. If a 70yo Donald Trump mocks you because of your age you know you're a dead duck. Dems simply need to find a new Obama. It would be hilarious if Joe Biden gets the nod because he fits the same profile as Clinton and on the other hand I don't see socialism being the way to the White House at all. Dems simply to need to find that person in the middle. Obama was one, Sanders, Biden and Cortez ain't them at all.
  8. Polish & Ukrainian diasporas in Canada are pretty even tbh. Obviously Wayne Gretzky is the Holy Graal We can claim like 5% of this guy too
  9. I know he played for Penguins since I cheer for them since the days of Jagr & Lemieux I suppose pierogis ain't that popular in Canada though?
  10. I read their father originates from Buffalo but maybe it's Pittsburgh. Western New York, Pennsylvania and obviously Chicago are the biggest Polish communities in the US
  11. I'm sorry but the Democrats have completely lost the plot sending Hilary Clinton after Barack Obama who was the new hope in politics. Clinton is a fuckin' political animal who sacrificed her honor just to stay in business. She's basically what the GOP is. Power-greedy rich person. You can't sell that after Obama of all people. Just can't. Forget the Russian hackers. The entire US has turned backwards, Deep South votes GOP and the West Coast votes Dems. Hell, Mississippi has a GOP chokehold for 30 years now? How in the world that happened? All the black people emigrated outta there or what?
  12. We also adopted Penny Oleksiak during the Rio Games It's still questionable whether she's more Polish or Ukrainian tbh but her hockey player brother was supposed to be more Polish since coming from Buffalo
  13. Well, even the Polish TV crew was openly cheering for Smoliga in the 50m backstroke We're gonna take those virtual medals like they're truly ours
  14. Someone needs to tell her she's living in utopia. Her stuff could work in some poor third world country or even in Peru or Bolivia but USA? Hell no. USA is kinda too rich to dwell on her socialism craze. Unless she wants to give Texas & Arizona back to Mexico?
  15. Example from Poland - Romas usually have lived in wagons for decades, then they were forced into social sub-standard housing. They don't have full-time jobs more often than not and hang around with seasonal work and of course theft. They don't really allow marriage to non-Romas. I know a Roman community nearby a place where I used to work and man, that was like a junkyard. Romas, alcoholics, unemployed deadbeats, the cream of the non-working class society hang around there. Just a society pest I'm afraid. Begging for a damn nickle all day long on the corner to buy some hooch from a locally known moonshiner etc. Later that corner turned into a parking lot by the mall. You can see those people all the time in Poland and several Romas among them. So that is their "hood". No wonder people kinda dislike them And police ain't gonna do anything since they don't officially work, they have no official income so they can't even post a damn bail. So they usually prefer to ignore them unless there's some real criminal activity. You can't lock someone up for being a filthy beggar?
  16. You don't have to tell anyone in the Central/Eastern Europe that socialism doesn't work We've been through this shit for a long time. That's why whenever I hear someone from the Anglo-Saxon countries talking about socialism being great I giggle because they have no idea what they're talking about. Sure, the lib-social state can work and does work in Europe but mostly in countries with a relative small population and huge natural resources (Norway with oil, Sweden with iron & copper). The bigger the country is the more the socialism is simply unsustainable. It would never work in USA with their outrageous population (300m?). It would only lead into more divide among the society. When I hear Bernie Sanders or Cortez-Ocasio talk about how fine socialism is that's downright insane. The entire Soviet block collapsed because it was unsustainable (even after the new wave of communists took over in the 70s and changed the agenda from communism to socialism). Slovakia only has ca. 5 million population while Poland has 38m so it seems some of the former Soviet satellites are expanding faster these days but it's so much easier for a smaller nation to catch up than us. Even Lithuania has passed Poland on the GDP scale (obv. Czech Rep. & Slovakia are ahead) but the likes of Latvia, Croatia & Romania are still behind us The one doing really bad seems to be Bulgaria given their low population.
  17. It's Central Europe, my friend. I can somehow predict the his answer
  18. It's down to the CO2 emission and quite frankly China, USA & India are way ahead on this list. Nothing will change because they countries make too much industrial profit to cut down on it. Add the global deforestation (I wonder how much of the Amazon forest has been lost already) and you're pouring fuel into the fire. The global technology means the world will collapse under the weight of it's own success. It's unavoidable so all the micro recycling ideas are of no real use tbh When the Arctic ice melts is some thousands of years time things will really get interesting! I suspect several countries will disappear under water and nobody would be able to prevent it. Nature usually gets the better of humans anyway.
  19. [hide] Men's Tournament - Knockout Round July 21st - July 27th, 2019 12 Nations, Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Third Place Match  Date & Time (GMT +9)  Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 27th 2019, h. 17:00 Croatia 2 Hungary Final  Date & Time (GMT +9)  Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 27th 2019, h. 18:30 Spain 1 Italy [/hide]
  20. And there it is: Update (10:35 p.m. EST): USA Swimming was reportedly told that King was DQ’d for a non-simultaneous touch on the first turn.
  21. Conspiracy bullshit. It's breaststroke so multiple dolphin kicks are always in play tbh.
  22. That's the thing with the sprints, it could go anywhere tbh. But Juraszek is even a safer bet than Kawecki these days. Let's see if he makes the final bc we haven't been this far off the elites since the 2008 OG.
  23. Still better than Poland's medal haul. The only one we got is Olivia Smoliga but it doesn't count
  24. He's ineligible for voting? You must be 21 in USA to vote?
  25. I don't give a damn about political corectness either. But politics and decency have nothing to do with each other. Politics is greed for power. Everything else is bullshit. LGBT community in Poland is just a tool in a political power struggle. There is no human rights crap in Poland like in the US. Poland is one of the least racially & religiously diverse countries in the whole Europe. The Jews that heavily occupied the communist Stalin regime were ousted in 1968 by the "new wave" of communists and that was it. The Ukrainian & Belarussian minority stayed behind the USSR borders following Yalta conference decisions. The Germans that lived in Pomerania & Schlessien were mostly send back behind the Oder River after WWII ended. Yeah, it's way too complicated for any American whose only choice was GOP or Democrats for the last 150 years or so
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