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Totallympics Medallist
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Everything posted by nenad

  1. It's plain stupid. And what I argue is that it should've been 0:5.
  2. Yeah, we get it but it's still a dumb rule when you have 2 judges that do have a clear winner. I mean personal impression of a judge should come into play if it's draw all around, not if it's 2:0 and all 3 judges voting for clearly inferior fighter is a travesty. If anyone watched the match this was 5:0 match. 9:10, 10:9 and 9:10. And with chinese having deduction point it should've been 27:29 on all scorecards. And I can accept one judge being an exemption, but 3..... Travesty.
  3. Yeah all 3 gave to a Chinese even though she was clearly better only in 2nd round.
  4. To što ne mogu da daju gol Australiji je posledica svega onoga što su Šapić i ekipa uradili.
  5. Nema veze, zlato je zlato. Od Jovane nismo ništa ni očekivali realno a za vaterpolo nek se obrate doktoru Šapiću. Bolje nismo ni zaslužili.
  6. What a final.. I would allow India's girl to shoot me though.
  7. Ni blizu. Ako Kazahstanac izgubi za olimpijsku medalju treba da dobije desetog, jedanaestog i dvadesetog šestog na svetu. Teško da može lakše.
  8. I ja ne znam dal sam upalio naše na 2 minuta. Gledaću i košarku na Eurosportu bez komentatora
  9. Naši sportski novinari su bukvalno najgori na svetu. Rale Simić kad zavrišti dobro ide Čaba Silađi a on završi osmi ubedljivo što vidi svako sa jednim okom u glavi..
  10. Emomali withdrew because he broke his arm.
  11. I actually agree. That yellow card was really bad decision and it changed the game totally. Also, it's really stupid to be playing QF match against the team from it's own group.
  12. Užasan je ovo žreb za Novaka. Ebden, Nadal, Fils u prva 3 kola. Pa Cicipas pa Zverev... Imajući u vidu formu i spremnost...
  13. They booed Argentinian national anthem in St Etienne as well
  14. My cable provider is including Eurosport 3 to 9 and I have them on TV which added to the Max on my laptop is more than enough. Great games everybody.
  15. Ko ima MTS kablovsku od 331 su novi Eurosport kanali od 3 do 9.
  16. At some point it looked like 5x5 is going the football path with FIBA starting the World Cup project and NBA players losing interest but this tournament is going to be the strongest ever, so it's not going anywhere soon.
  17. Bacih pogled na RTS za ovaj -2 dan Igara, prenose 2 fudbala, jedan u 3, jedan u 9 i to je to. Za koji im moj služi onaj drugi kanal, mogli su neki ragbi prikazati tamo bar mada kontam da niko ne zna pravila. Ja sam na maxu svakako, jebe mi se, ali ipak se svaki put isčudim kakvi su to diletanti.
  18. Naša najbolja šansa u streljaštvu je mix Zorane i Damira. Tu jednostavno kvalitet bi trebalo da dođe do izražaja ali sa druge strane kad gledaš, dovoljno je da jedan od njih podbaci taj dan i ne vredi ništa. Saznaćemo uskoro, svakako streljaštvo nam je prva šansa za medalju i jedina realna na startu Igara, sve ostalo moramo da čekamo dosta duže..
  19. Yeah, it looked like that since he showed up on day 1 in a walking boot. It's a big problem because we're thinned out at the 4 with essentially only Petrušev now being a regular 4. Having said that against big teams like France last night we're probably going to see a steady dose of Jokić - Milutinov combo. Jokić just toying with people btw, Wemby looking like a kid he is against him last night.
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