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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2022 in all areas

  1. ok so time to complete the Czechoslovak entries and 3rd of the 4 Visegrad on this page I guess so without further ado, here is the Slovak fresh entry Slovak Entry Smola a Hrušky - Všetci za jedného ! (All for one !) Lyrics In Beijing, the history is writing, whole our country is on its feet, a new hockey hysteria again, the flags are on the windows again Even if the anthem was not played, it was still heard there Even if the anthem was not played, we have tears in our eyes... Ref: 1: No need of many words, playing with hearts is enough, No need of many words, the goals will come... even goals from BUFFETS !* *(Slafkovsky named his incredible goal from no angle against Sweden in the after match interview to our TV like a goal he scored while waiting for a hot-dog in a queue in the buffet ) This became super viral in Slovakia, everyone using the meme - "Gól z bufetu" now like sentence for achieving something completely impossible by physical rules ! Ref 2: All for one and One for all Long time we did not have such great team All for one and One for all A team that will even die for the win ! Ref 1, Ref 2 x Slovak Lyrics
    2 points
  2. GIUDI - Jezinky Quite unknown and new singer in czech music scene - GIUDI and his song Jezinky. GIUDI attended at czech national round for ESC 2022, but unsuccessfully. Now, she try to fascinate you! btw. jezinka is evil nymph living in forest, which is associed with czech traditional folklore and legends. ENJOY, Totallympics!
    2 points
  3. From what I know they have different personalities and they've never been very close, but the main reasons why they are not friends are: - in 2014 when Halep played her first GS final against Sharapova, Cirstea did not sent a goodluck message to Halep because "I'm not in Romania", according to Cirstea's explanations at that time - in 2017, after Halep lost her 2nd GS Final against Ostapenko, Cirstea became one of the best friends of Ostapenko - also in 2017 when Halep became no. 1 WTA, Cirstea did not congratulate Halep. Reason? "I was too busy, my schedule is too busy and I did not have time for this" Sure, all these reasons are hilarious but it's obvious that Cirstea is somehow jealous for Halep achievement. Anyway I like both of them and I'm proud of them for what they doing for Romania (they are 2 of the few Romanians who represent Romania at high level in sport). The big advantage of this match is that we have a player in next round
    1 point
  4. Men´s 2021/22 Downhill World Cup Final Standing: Aleksander Aamodt Kilde 620 Beat Feuz 607 Dominik Paris 522 Full Final Downhill World Cup Standing Result HERE
    1 point
  5. Let's not conveniently forget that Russia was not a normal country in good standing with the IOC and the sports world for other well known matters, and on the verge of being outright banned since 2016. So allowing athletes to compete as independent = no difference at all from the previous situation at the most important competitions, all sports WCh and Olympics, where this was already happening. Not to talk about some specific sports when they were well past that point. What to do if the current situation will drag on for years is a more difficult decision, I guess Europeans kicking out Russia and the more friendly Asians welcoming them, in a Israel case in reverse, to start a reintegration in the sports world. But who knows, Russians can start some other shit in the meantime.
    1 point
  6. Iako jos uvek nema sistema kvalifikacija tekvondo vec traje, streljastvo je pocelo, jos malo ce i dzudo i moguce jos sta Nasi rezultati na SP posle godine nakon Oi: badminton: nismo ucestvovali (pretpostavljam da se ovde renking gleda) biciklizam (drumski): sad se gleda i renking za ucesce nismo ucestovali biciklizam (planinski): Jovana nije ucestvovala, videcemo ove godine jel se jos uvek takmici? boks: Sp kod nas tako da cemo bolje videti tek ove godine na Ep realnu sliku. Najbolje rezultate ostvarili su naturalizovani Rusi. Bronza Mironckov, cetvrtfinala za Abasova i Magomedova (obojica izgubili od sampiona). Od "nasih'' najbolji Alicic (9-16. mesto), on je pre 4. godine osvojio zlato na juniorskom ili kadetskom ep. brejkdens: imali smo izgleda ucesnicu bez znacajnijeg plasmana gimnastika: nismo ucestvovali ni u sportskoj ni u ritmickoj. U sportskoj je prosle godine bilo dobrih rezultata na Sk tako da je nejasno sto niko nije isao. dizanje tegova: nismo ucestvovali jedrenje: ucestvovao Nikola Banja u laseru. Slab je rezultat imao ali mislim da mu je ovo bilo prvo veliko seniorsko takmicenje. Na sp u21 je bio dosta dobar. Prosle godine smo na dosta takmicenja bas ucestovali. Sad ce uskoro Sp pa da vidimo kakve su sanse. kajak slalom: ucesce u k1 bez zapazenih rezultata kajak sprint: dosta bitno za nas posto je potreban totalni remont Sad je ostalo samo 6 disciplina. Bojan je usao u finale u k1 i nije se proslavio, cetverac 8. u finalu. Kod zena Milica 8. u finalu (inace sad je trudna) i osmo mesto za k-2 Dostanic/Bedec. 4/6 finala sa prosecnim rezultatima. Videcemo ove godine sta da ocekujemo. U kanuu 4 discipline. Imali smo jednu devojku, nije usla u finale. plivanje: Imali smo Sp u malim bazenima, a pre toga Ep. Highlight bi konacno bio Anjin novi licni. rvanje: Zlato za Zurabija, cetvrtfinale za Nadja vrlo pristojno, cetvrtfinale za Viktora slabo i cetvrtfinale za Cabolova. Ove godine je Sp kod nas, nadam se da ce Viktor uspeti da se vrati, konkurencija mu je ovaj novi Iranac. rukomet: 12. mesto za zene sa 4 pobede i 2 poraza. Slozili smo se da je igra bila zadovoljavajuca. Sad nam je Ep bitno. sportsko penjanje: Trece mesto za Stasu u bolderu! stoni tenis: ucesce bez znacajnijih rezultat. Izabela i Dimitrije su poceli miks dubl da igraju. strelicarstvo: nismo ucestvovali triatlon: ovo je u vidu nekog Sk, ne znam jel imamo nekog jos osim Ognjena? U golfu i tenisu nema neko sp tako da na kraju godine mozemo renking pogledati. U golfu imamo neke profesionalce na listi ali nzm da li uopste igraju negde, vrlo nisko plasirani. U tenisu bi mogli i maksimalnih imati ako iskombinujemo dublove i ako hoce da igraju, zene katastrofa ali lako se upada haha. karate: Izgleda da nema nade za Oi. Jovan zlato, Ivana Perovic 5. mesto pre 68 i srebro za muski tim. Steta imali bi sad dve sanse za medalju. Osim odbojke i malih bazena ne znam jel bilo neko drugo Ep posle Oi. Ove godine imamo dosta Ep i Sp bice zanimljivo da vidimo cemu da se nadamo
    1 point
  7. Calendario deporte olímpico del 14 al 31 de marzo con enlaces para seguir las competiciones, representantes españoles e información sobre la importancia y desarrollo de estas competiciones Ver en :
    1 point
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