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1-Americans didn't vote their president ,  AIPAC did ...democracy in USA  disappeared with assassinate of Kennedy 


2-Trump is not working for Russia , he is under the mercy of jew lobbies he always said "America first " and Satanyahu 2nd ..he is looking for annexing Canada, Panama,Greonland and Gaza for more money ...his current arm is tax +spy methodes like sexe tape 


The positive thing he is showing the truth to people without hypocrisie, manipulation  or hidden meeting 

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Trump is not showing any truth. Together with Musk they are showing their populistic version of hypocrisy which people buy as a truth. We have it the same with PiS like some other european countries. 2 genders, "faith", fake nacionalism etc only to take the whole country, all institutuons and goverment of souls. And in fact USA are not our ally now, only by a history. They do not behave as ally and are using a language this rather of maybe not enemy but dominant who threatens you clearly he can do what he wants. Mainly for American voters but this is also not truth, this is only show, populistic show. Truth? America is loosing their position here and worldwide. I wonder how soon Americans will start to think how to impeach him 😉😉😉 to save their status. 

As to Trump, he is begining to be desperate sth like Kaczyński. Internal chaos, atmosphere in white house, not even close to ending the war. Well he thought he will be like god/Caesar but it is not even close. So they are panicking. This is not just business or playing cards. Politics is sth more and he doesnt have it. Putin and Russians in general, Chinese etc could eat this american crew with IQ for breakfast. This is comedy and american political suicide.

Edited by Pavlo

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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So now. Usa buys half of Ukraine, Ribbentrop-Molotov 2? Sth like this? Fake cease-fire for some time? At the end...war. If they buy Kiev they will have to defend it. This is ending a war or beginng WWIII? Now or in near future. China and Iran only waiting. This agreement is very difficult to understand for me. I am afraid that US administration has no perspective and imagination (or knowledge about Russia). 

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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  On 3/12/2025 at 6:32 AM, Pavlo said:

So now. Usa buys half of Ukraine, Ribbentrop-Molotov 2? Sth like this? Fake cease-fire for some time? At the end...war. If they buy Kiev they will have to defend it. This is ending a war or beginng WWIII? Now or in near future. China and Iran only waiting. This agreement is very difficult to understand for me. I am afraid that US administration has no perspective and imagination (or knowledge about Russia). 


Poland now is lucky now that the new Ribbentropp-Molotov doesn`t concern them personally, but the country to the east of them - Ukraine. The only bad thing is that France could think the same in 1939, and two years later the Germans were already in Paris...

Edited by copravolley
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  On 3/12/2025 at 7:24 AM, copravolley said:

Poland now is lucky now that the new Ribbentropp-Molotov doesn`t concern them personally, but the country to the east of them - Ukraine. The only bad thing is that France could think the same in 1939, and two years later the Germans were already in Paris...


Yes but possible war is dangerous to US. Good side, we are waking from populists dream. If we had pis now, oh gosh. Luckiy this goverment is able to raise it all from ashes and our position probably be stronger. But hey, wild wild east??? 🙂. Imagine this, american corporations with strong military security exploring Donbas??? It would be easier to get lithium from Mars. Is this sci fi class D? Russia is to accept it? So Ukraine is the new Dune? 🙂🙂🙂. It looks like kindergarten level scenario to me. And if Zelenski just sold to Trump the part of his country under the control of Putin...well, good deal bro 🙂

Edited by Pavlo

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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  On 3/12/2025 at 8:19 AM, Pavlo said:

Yes but possible war is dangerous to US. Good side, we are waking from populists dream. If we had pis now, oh gosh. Luckiy this goverment is able to raise it all from ashes and our position probably be stronger. But hey, wild wild east??? 🙂. Imagine this, american corporations with strong military security exploring Donbas??? It would be easier to get lithium from Mars. Is this sci fi class D? Russia is to accept it? So Ukraine is the new Dune? 🙂🙂🙂. It looks like kindergarten level scenario to me. And if Zelenski just sold to Trump the part of his country under the control of Putin...well, good deal bro 🙂


My family on my mother's side comes from Poland, we spent a few holidays there when we were kids. At the beginning of the 21st century it was a pretty cool country, but only now do you see how much Warsaw, for example, has developed. Certainly, Poland has always had a rather bad location on the map and hence a difficult history, but the last 20 years have been very good for it. There is still a negative sentiment for countries like Germany or Russia, for example, it is visible during sports games, when these countries are not the favorites of polish fans :P I think that polish-italian relations as positive - I don't even mean politics, but generally in the feelings of ordinary people. If a survey were to be conducted in Italy, Poland would probably be in the top of the most liked nations. In Poland, I have also always been and still am quite pleasantly received as an Italian.

Edited by copravolley
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  On 3/12/2025 at 7:24 PM, copravolley said:

My family on my mother's side comes from Poland, we spent a few holidays there when we were kids. At the beginning of the 21st century it was a pretty cool country, but only now do you see how much Warsaw, for example, has developed. Certainly, Poland has always had a rather bad location on the map and hence a difficult history, but the last 20 years have been very good for it. There is still a negative sentiment for countries like Germany or Russia, for example, it is visible during sports games, when these countries are not the favorites of polish fans :P I think that polish-italian relations as positive - I don't even mean politics, but generally in the feelings of ordinary people. If a survey were to be conducted in Italy, Poland would probably be in the top of the most liked nations. In Poland, I have also always been and still am quite pleasantly received as an Italian.


Oh, how nice, i didn't know. Yes, we like Italians very much, similar emotionality? Ways of expressing? Sth like this. As to Russia and Germany. The things they had really done to us are pretty unbelievable and unforgivable. I think that most people in Europe know this in theory, we felt it in reality. But we still try not to cross borders, we don't live with hatered. Maybe we should. When my mom was telling me real facts from WWII in Poland well...i was close to be ready for revenge on some Germans. But its not Polish charachteristic, maybe our mistake. And yes, Poland was peaceful internaly up to some 2007/8. Then PiS started to divide this nation, telling who is Polish who is not etc. You are either a real Pole Cathol or traitor left wing gay. Luckily they had lost but our nation is strongly divided, like two nations. We all miss this old united Poland but are living like enemies. Really. Both camps see this second as national traitors, idiots of Kaczyński or Tusk (go to Berlin etc). Probably foreigners are free of this but Poland has changed through those years. Italy seems to be lovely place to live. Not ideal, impossible, but lovely. 👍 Btw, our prime minister already in Ankara 🙂🙂. To be true we made historical mistakes. Our neighbours were in bad position, we were like empire. But were to slavic, to naive. We created some of our neighbours, lost Ukrainiians to Russia so it is not bad luck, rather bad mistakes. 

Edited by Pavlo

I fell in love with sports.....since i first seen it

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There's a famous quote from Winston Churchill.

"Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.” 

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