Nice interview here:
I wonder if this quote below is only related to audience or would mean stricter rules to Universality quotas. It would be nice to make sure more athletes gain quotas and not the only (best) athlete get them for 3 or 4 times.
I'm glad Coe didn't win, because I don't like him. The name of the person who won doesn't really matter, just what they do. We'll see what she gets up to. I'm much less interested in the trans thing than whether she keeps up Agenda 2020 and tries to make the Olympics cool. I think all of them would have. Also surely that means she's giving up any government job she has in .
This just by default could not ended any else than 0-0
Both nations should be banned from football. man ! watching this was something else. Nobody will never give me back this lost 2 hours of my life
I am sincerely trying the much of I can to remember anything less boring I witnessed in my life than this 1st half of - match
Man I literally nooticed the grass growing on the pitch during this frame, so to say how sorrowfully epic boredome this is... I should and deserve to receive a medal if I will watch this to the end
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