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Mixed Curling WCF World Championship 2023

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Mixed Curling WCF World Championship 2023


SCO.gif Aberdeen (SCO) - 14 October 2023 - 21 October 2023 SCO.gif




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  • 2 weeks later...

Qualified Nations

  • AUS.gif Australia
  • AUT.gif Austria
  • BEL.gif Belgium
  • BRA.gif Brazil
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • CZE.gif Czechia
  • ENG.gif England
  • EST.gif Estonia
  • FIN.gif Finland
  • GER.gif Germany
  • HKG.gif Hong Kong
  • HUN.gif Hungary
  • IND.gif India
  • IRL.gif Ireland
  • ISR.gif Israel
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • LAT.gif Latvia
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • NGR.gif Nigeria
  • NOR.gif Norway
  • POL.gif Poland
  • SCO.gif Scotland
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • SWE.gif Sweden
  • SUI.gif Switzerland
  • UKR.gif Ukraine
  • USA.gif United States
  • WAL.gif Wales


Competition Format


October 14th - October 24th, 2023
34 Nations, 4 Groups,
the 1st Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quartelfinals, the 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Groups will qualify for Round of 16
October 20th - October 21st, 2023
12 Nations, Round of 16, Quartelfinals, Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Men's Curling WCF Mixed Doubles World Championship 2023 Champion
Edited by frantic13poland
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Preliminary Round
October 14th - October 24th, 2023
34 Nations, 4 Groups,
the 1st Nations from each Group will qualify for the Quartelfinals, the 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Groups will qualify for Round of 16
Group A
  • BEL.gif Belgium
  • ENG.gif England
  • IRL.gif Ireland
  • ISR.gif Israel
  • JPN.gif Japan
  • NED.gif Netherlands
  • SCO.gif Scotland
  • SWE.gif Sweden
  • WAL.gif Wales

Group B
  • AUS.gif Australia
  • CAN.gif Canada
  • TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
  • FIN.gif Finland
  • HUN.gif Hungary
  • LTU.gif Lithuania
  • NZL.gif New Zealand
  • POL.gif Poland
  • SLO.gif Slovenia
Group C
  • AUT.gif Austria
  • BRA.gif Brazil
  • EST.gif Estonia
  • GER.gif Germany
  • IND.gif India
  • ITA.gif Italy
  • ESP.gif Spain
  • USA.gif United States

Group D
  • CZE.gif Czechia
  • HKG.gif Hong Kong
  • LAT.gif Latvia
  • NGR.gif Nigeria
  • NOR.gif Norway
  • SVK.gif Slovakia
  • SUI.gif Switzerland
  • UKR.gif Ukraine
Group A
British Summer Time Time (GMT +1)
Ireland IRL.gif 10 - 7 ISR.gif Israel
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
England ENG.gif 7 - 3 WAL.gif Wales
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Belgium BEL.gif 6 - 3 SCO.gif Scotland
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen

Sweden SWE.gif 9 - 4 NED.gif Netherlands
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Sweden SWE.gif 8 - 5 JPN.gif Japan
October 14th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Scotland SCO.gif 11 - 0 WAL.gif Wales
October 14th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Wales WAL.gif 3 - 8 BEL.gif  Belgium
October 15th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Japan JPN.gif 7 - 6 ISR.gif Israel
October 15th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Japan JPN.gif 8 - 3 NED.gif Netherlands
October 15th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Israel ISR.gif 2 - 7 SWE.gif Sweden
October 15th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Ireland IRL.gif 1 - 10 BEL.gif  Belgium
October 15th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Scotland SCO.gif 3 - 8 ENG.gif England
October 15th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Japan JPN.gif 8 - 7 SCO.gif Scotland
October 16th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Sweden SWE.gif 7 - 3 ENG.gif England
October 16th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Ireland IRL.gif 15 - 1 WAL.gif Wales
October 16th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Israel ISR.gif 9 - 2 NED.gif Netherlands
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Netherlands NED.gif 1 - 10 IRL.gif Ireland
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
England ENG.gif 3 - 6 BEL.gif  Belgium
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Ireland IRL.gif 3 - 6 SWE.gif Sweden
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Belgium BEL.gif 4 - 5 JPN.gif Japan
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Israel ISR.gif 5 - 6 ENG.gif England
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Netherlands NED.gif 5 - 3 WAL.gif Wales
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
England ENG.gif 8 - 2 IRL.gif Ireland
October 17th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Sweden SWE.gif 8 - 3 SCO.gif Scotland
October 17th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Netherlands NED.gif 4 - 14 BEL.gif  Belgium
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
England ENG.gif 4 - 7 JPN.gif Japan
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Belgium BEL.gif 7 - 6 ISR.gif Israel
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Wales WAL.gif 2 - 7 SWE.gif Sweden
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Japan JPN.gif 6 - 8 IRL.gif Ireland
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Scotland SCO.gif 8 - 1 NED.gif Netherlands
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Scotland SCO.gif 7 - 3 IRL.gif Ireland
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Wales WAL.gif 8 - 5 ISR.gif Israel
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Netherlands NED.gif 4 - 9 ENG.gif England
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Belgium BEL.gif 3 - 7 SWE.gif Sweden
October 19th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Wales WAL.gif 5 - 7 JPN.gif Japan
October 19th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Israel ISR.gif 7 - 4 SCO.gif Scotland
October 19th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Group A Final Standing
SWE.gif Sweden
JPN.gif Japan
BEL.gif Belgium
ENG.gif England
IRL.gif Ireland
SCO.gif Scotland
ISR.gif Israel
NED.gif Netherlands
WAL.gif Wales

Group B
British Summer Time Time (GMT +1)
Brazil BRA.gif 1 - 8 ESP.gif Spain
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Canada CAN.gif 10 - 1 FIN.gif Finland
October 14th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Poland POL.gif 3 - 7 SLO.gif Slovenia
October 14th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen

New Zealand NZL.gif 7 - 5 AUS.gif Australia
October 14th 2023, h. 20:30, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Lithuania LTU.gif 2 - 4 SLO.gif Slovenia
October 14th 2023, h. 20:30, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hungary HUN.gif 3 - 6 POL.gif Poland
October 14th 2023, h. 20:30, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Canada CAN.gif 8 - 3 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
October 14th 2023, h. 20:30, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Finland FIN.gif 2 - 9 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
October 15th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Australia AUS.gif 2 - 7 CAN.gif Canada
October 15th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
New Zealand NZL.gif 5 - 4 HUN.gif Hungary
October 15th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Poland POL.gif 7 - 2 LTU.gif Lithuania
October 15th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovenia SLO.gif 8 - 2 HUN.gif Hungary
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Finland FIN.gif 4 - 9 AUS.gif Australia
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Finland FIN.gif 10 - 2 POL.gif Poland
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Canada CAN.gif 9 - 5 LTU.gif Lithuania
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
New Zealand NZL.gif 14 - 4 SLO.gif Slovenia
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Australia AUS.gif 4 - 6 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 5 - 4 NZL.gif New Zealand
October 16th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Lithuania LTU.gif 4 - 8 HUN.gif Hungary
October 16th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Lithuania LTU.gif 7 - 6 NZL.gif New Zealand
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Canada CAN.gif 6 - 3 POL.gif Poland
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
New Zealand NZL.gif 3 - 6 CAN.gif Canada
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hungary HUN.gif 7 - 6 FIN.gif Finland
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Australia AUS.gif 6 - 4 LTU.gif Lithuania
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 8 - 2 SLO.gif Slovenia
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 5 - 9 HUN.gif Hungary
October 18th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Lithuania LTU.gif 10 - 7 FIN.gif Finland
October 18th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hungary HUN.gif 7 - 5 AUS.gif Australia
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovenia SLO.gif 5 - 7 CAN.gif Canada
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Poland POL.gif 10 - 4 TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Finland FIN.gif 11 - 7 NZL.gif New Zealand
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Chinese Taipei TPE.gif 9 - 4 LTU.gif Lithuania
October 19th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hungary HUN.gif 6 - 12 CAN.gif Canada
October 19th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovenia SLO.gif 6 - 5 FIN.gif Finland
October 19th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Australia AUS.gif 5 - 3 POL.gif Poland
October 19th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovenia SLO.gif 3 - 7 AUS.gif Australia
October 19th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Poland POL.gif 10 - 5 NZL.gif New Zealand
October 19th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Group B Final Standing
CAN.gif Canada
TPE.gif Chinese Taipei
AUS.gif Australia
SLO.gif Slovenia
POL.gif Poland
HUN.gif Hungary
NZL.gif New Zealand
LTU.gif Lithuania
FIN.gif Finland

Group C
British Summer Time Time (GMT +1)
Italy ITA.gif 7 - 4 EST.gif Estonia
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Brazil BRA.gif 1 - 8 ESP.gif Spain
October 14th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Austria AUT.gif 4 - 9 ESP.gif Spain
October 14th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen

Germany GER.gif 10 - 3 BRA.gif Brazil
October 14th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Italy ITA.gif 4 - 8 USA.gif United States
October 14th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Estonia EST.gif 6 - 8 USA.gif United States
October 15th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
India IND.gif 2 - 7 GER.gif Germany
October 15th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Brazil BRA.gif 5 - 6 AUT.gif Austria
October 15th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Spain ESP.gif 5 - 4 GER.gif Germany
October 15th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
United States USA.gif 9 - 2 IND.gif India
October 16th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Austria AUT.gif 3 - 12 GER.gif Germany
October 16th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Estonia EST.gif 10 - 2 BRA.gif Brazil
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Italy ITA.gif 6 - 3 AUT.gif Austria
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
India IND.gif 4 - 13 ESP.gif Spain
October 16th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
United States USA.gif 3 - 2 AUT.gif Austria
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Austria AUT.gif 9 - 2 IND.gif India
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Italy ITA.gif W - L BRA.gif Brazil
October 17th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
India IND.gif 3 - 8 ITA.gif Italy
October 17th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Germany GER.gif 7 - 6 EST.gif Estonia
October 17th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
United States USA.gif 1 - 7 ESP.gif Spain
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Spain ESP.gif 10 - 2 ITA.gif Italy
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Brazil BRA.gif 2 - 8 USA.gif United States
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Estonia EST.gif 4 - 6 IND.gif India
October 18th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
United States USA.gif 5 - 4 GER.gif Germany
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Austria AUT.gif 5 - 8 EST.gif Estonia
October 18th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
United States USA.gif 4 - 6 AUT.gif Austria
October 19th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Germany GER.gif 2 - 5 ITA.gif Italy
October 19th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Spain ESP.gif 11 - 3 EST.gif Estonia
October 19th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Brazil BRA.gif 3 - 9 IND.gif India
October 19th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Group C Final Standing
ESP.gif Spain
USA.gif United States
ITA.gif Italy
GER.gif Germany
AUT.gif Austria
IND.gif India
EST.gif Estonia
BRA.gif Brazil

Group D
British Summer Time Time (GMT +1)
Ukraine UKR.gif 9 - 6 SVK.gif Slovakia
October 14th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Switzerland SUI.gif 10 - 3 CZE.gif Czechia
October 14th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen

Norway NOR.gif 6 - 3 LAT.gif Latvia
October 14th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Norway NOR.gif 17 - 1 NGR.gif Nigeria
October 14th 2023, h. 20:30, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Nigeria NGR.gif 3 - 7 SVK.gif Slovakia
October 15th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Nigeria NGR.gif 1 - 12 LAT.gif Latvia
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovakia SVK.gif 2 - 9 NOR.gif Norway
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Ukraine UKR.gif 2 - 6 SUI.gif Switzerland
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Czechia CZE.gif 4 - 5 HKG.gif Hong Kong
October 15th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Latvia LAT.gif 10 - 4 UKR.gif Ukraine
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hong Kong HKG.gif 2 - 8 SUI.gif Switzerland
October 16th 2023, h. 12:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Nigeria NGR.gif 5 - 10 CZE.gif Czechia
October 16th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Norway NOR.gif 7 - 2 HKG.gif Hong Kong
October 16th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovakia SVK.gif 1 - 9 LAT.gif Latvia
October 16th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Ukraine UKR.gif 3 - 12 NOR.gif Norway
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Switzerland SUI.gif 10 - 1 NGR.gif Nigeria
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovakia SVK.gif 13 - 4 HKG.gif Hong Kong
October 17th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hong Kong HKG.gif 1 - 6 UKR.gif Ukraine
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Norway NOR.gif 7 - 1 CZE.gif Czechia
October 17th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Switzerland SUI.gif 7 - 2 SVK.gif Slovakia
October 18th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Czechia CZE.gif 4 - 9 LAT.gif Latvia
October 18th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Nigeria NGR.gif 3 - 10 UKR.gif Ukraine
October 18th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Latvia LAT.gif 7 - 5 SUI.gif Switzerland
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Hong Kong HKG.gif 4 - 7 NGR.gif Nigeria
October 18th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Czechia CZE.gif 8 - 5 UKR.gif Ukraine
October 19th 2023, h. 08:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Switzerland SUI.gif 2 - 8 NOR.gif Norway
October 19th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Slovakia SVK.gif 5 - 4 CZE.gif Czechia
October 19th 2023, h. 16:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Latvia LAT.gif 11 - 3 HKG.gif Hong Kong
October 19th 2023, h. 20:00, Curl Aberdeen, Aberdeen
Group D Final Standing
NOR.gif Norway
LAT.gif Latvia
SUI.gif Switzerland
UKR.gif Ukraine
SVK.gif Slovakia
CZE.gif Czechia
NGR.gif Nigeria
HKG.gif Hong Kong
Edited by frantic13poland
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Knockout Round
October 20th - October 21st, 2023
12 Nations, Round of 16, Quartelfinals, Semifinal, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match, the winning Nation will be the Men's Curling WCF Mixed Doubles World Championship 2023 Champion


Round of 16 (October 20th) Quarterfinals (October 20th) Semifinals (October 21st) Finals (October 21st)

:SWE Sweden

- :SWE Sweden 7 :SWE Sweden X Gold Medal Match
:WHT Bye -

:TPE Chinese Taipei

4 :BEL Belgium 2

:BEL Belgium


:CAN Canada

- :CAN Canada 7 :CAN Canada X :WHT TBD X
:WHT Bye -

:USA United States

7 :AUS Australia 3

:AUS Australia


:NOR Norway

- :NOR Norway 8 :NOR Norway X :WHT TBD X
:WHT Bye -

:LAT Latvia

6 :LAT Latvia 5

:SUI Switzerland


:ESP Spain

- :ESP Spain 6 :ESP Spain X Bronze Medal Match
:WHT Bye -

:JPN Japan

5 :JPN Japan 4 :WHT TBD X

:ITA Italy

Edited by frantic13poland
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