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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. 3rd player from the super mega mighty league on the pitch. could have been more, but the best player of our league (Kalmar) is sadly injured so Go Schäfer !
  2. Already said it many many times in this forum, but the French Ice Hockey team booking tickets to wrong country and landing in Krakow instead of Košice for the World Championships !!! is by far my all time fav hard core
  3. yeah but -67 has 11 athletes with that Refugee thing invitation, is that place taken out from M Kata ? I know M Kata has already 9 more quotas than it deserve but still the counts looks correct for me
  4. This match can be played until midnight and ESP still would not score I believe
  5. our commentator: this was a icing Hockey fans will know
  6. :and nation code, for example : IRL without space or just click on the emoji icon on top right of the comment post and scroll down until you find the flag you want
  7. our commentators speaking about failure at the hockey world champs with first ever elimination in the round robin phase
  8. I seriously feel SWE will win tonight just to make things a bit more messy in this group
  9. I heard my neighbor screming and smashing into walls like a jerk but otherwise it is calm and quiet out completely outside. Football just does not excite us so much, two weeks ago that was some other kind of parade in the streets after we beat Russia in hockey
  10. so Krychowiak is the new Gancarczyk of football history ? Damn we are so useless when we have to attack, I do not even know if we ever played against a team with red card nobody knew what to do and just to make it more hilarius our goals scored by a POL own goal and by our Defence chief Škriniar
  11. well, that may be a good news for POL, we will not know what to do now, our bus parking does not have the power play script
  12. Seriously our play and system is unwatchable. 65-35 Ball posession, defence, defence and defence. this guy on our bench does not know anything else... At least Mak did something else than a red card in the NT for once..but I still think POL will easily win this match
  13. however it will end, just to listen nad tatrou sa blyska in such tournament is awesome
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