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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Nice and unexpected Silver and quota for Kovačócy, was not expected it from him, despite the experience from such event as he already is a world champion in Trap from 2009. More was expected from Erik Varga who once again failed to deliver, this Olympic cycle is really not going well for him just like for the pistol shooter Juraj Tužinský (Still hope both will somehow/someway qualify to Paris at the end though) Congrats (once again beat us in the final like at the EG Team event ) and for the other medals. So gold and silver in Baku (in Olympic events) and 2 quotas, Very well done to our shotgun team.
  2. Tha famous club with steam train going across the stadium is back. Yesterday the TJ Čierny Balog lost in the Slovak Cup to 1st league team Podbrezová 0:12 (Many foreign players of Podbrezová saw this thing for the first time in their life )
  3. Thursday August 24th, 2023 - Round-Robin Day 4 Results (GMT +8) 13:00 Norway 3 - 6 Netherlands 16:30 Slovakia 1 - 2 Denmark 20:00 Austria 0 - 2 China Provisional Standing After Day 4: 1. 12 Promoted to Women´s World Championship 2024 2. 9 ------------------ 3. 6 4. 6 5. 3 ------------------ 6. 0 Relegated to Women´s Division I Group B 2024
  4. Marián Kovačócy má miestenku na olympijské hry do Paríža Marián Kovačócy je po Zuzane Rehák Štefečekovej, Vanese Hockovej, Patrikovi Jánym a Danke Bartekovej piatym slovenským strelcom, ktorý vybojoval miestenku na olympijské hry 2024 do Paríža. Tridsaťosemročný strelec zabezpečil pre Slovensko na majstrovstvách sveta v streľbe v Baku olympijskú účasť v mužskom trape. Okrem strelcov má dnes istotu olympijskej účasti už len atlétka Viktória Forster. Kovačócy sa na svetovom šampionáte v Baku stal víťazom kvalifikácie mužského trapu. Zo 125 výstrelov netrafil len jeden. V mimoriadne vyrovnanej a kvalitnej súťaži, v ktorej štartovalo 136 strelcov, uspel majster sveta z roku 2009 v rozstrele o kvalifikačné prvenstvo s Kuvajťanom Khaledom Almudhafom. O kvalite súťaže v Baku svedči aj fakt, že na šesťčlenné finále nestačilo ani 123 bodov. Do finále okrem Slováka a Kuvajťana postúpili Talian Giovanni Pellielo, Chorvát Giovanni Černogoraz a Američania William Hinton a Derrick Scott Mein. Finále sa začína vo štvrtok o 16.15 SELČ. V Baku sú k dispozícii štyri olympijské miestenky pre mužský trap. Zo šestice finalistov ich už majú obaja Američania, čo znamená, že zvyšní štyria účastníci bojov o finále si vybojovali aj olympijskú účasť na strelnici vo Francúzsku. Kovačócy doteraz štartoval na dvoch olympijských hrách. V Riu de Janeiro 2016 skončil v mužskom trape na 18. pozícii, v roku 2021 na OH Tokio 2020 obsadili spolu s Janou Špotákovou v tímovom trape 8. miesto. Ďalší dvaja slovenskí zástupcovia skončili na MS v Baku v mužskom trape s nástrelom 119 bodov v piatej desiatke, Erik Varga bol 44. a Adrián Drobný 49. Do finále nepostúpili ani v ženskej súťaži trapistky Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková a Jana Špotáková. Rehák Štefečeková so 116 bodmi bola sedemnásta. Špotáková trafila o dva terče menej, čo stačilo na 30. miesto. článok prevzatý z SOŠ
  5. Never in my worst nightmares would have believe I will experience something like this... this is a black day for Slovak sport officially relegated to Division I B. Poor Nela Lopušanová, imagine that, the girl who was not allowed to play this year yet by IIHF, will now lose 2 years before thinking about playing among the elite because yes, if Nela played here, we would be probably already celebrating the promotion into the top division... without Nela we are dropping to (without disrespect to other participants there) the absolute bottom...yes, this big is the impact of Lopušanová for our womens hockey, and she is barely 15 ! ...but, well, it happened, what happened, what can we do, next year "C" level. well, at least Nela will very likely explode her individual stats in this I.B. next year, prepare for some 8-10 points per match.. Women's WCh: Total (blamage) embarrassment is completed. Slovak women's hockey players were relegated to an even lower category They wanted to advance to the Top Division, they were relegated to the 3rd tier. Slovakian women's hockey players failed completely at the World Champs
  6. Kapustová so close of a medal at home in the W Juniors Super-Sprint
  7. Now, I understand why he was so good and was in a great hurry today and even improving his pb by 3 minutes He wanted this to happen as soon as possible haha. Well, the eyes and heart of your beloved girl is an unsolvable problem , love is the greatest doping.
  8. Montesinos almost went for a 37km race despite the finish line hostess showing here where to go
  9. Finally a race walking gold for was about time
  10. Dominik Černý attacking top 20 Should be our best result here at the last event with SVK participation
  11. Morvay in the penalty box. Cheaters referee
  12. I love how the traffic lights light up and work around the track, every camera shot on them shows logically green light
  13. I see Quinion took some tactical advices from Diniz
  14. There apparently some concerns also about Peskov, not seen since 3 weeks after he "non-directly" I assume by mistake criticized the presidential election in russia. But, yeah, only rumours, so who knows if it is true. about prigozhin, world memes going turbo since yesterday, some quite funny (if you like black humor )
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