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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Men's Solo Tech Final Results Shuncheng YANGCHN 246.4766 Giorgio MINISINI 245.3166 Gustavo SANCHEZ 231.0000 Full Final Result HERE
  2. Women's 10m Platform Final Results Hongchan QUAN 436.25 Yuxi CHEN 427.80 Andrea SPENDOLINI 377.10 Full Final Result HERE
  3. The Italian Federation sent a request to WA, that confirms that for the women's platform only.
  4. Duet Olympic Qualification After 1/2 Events: 259.5601 258.0333 (Still eligible for a team quota) 251.8633 251.2432 (Still eligible for a team quota) 249.9433 (Still eligible for a team quota) 247.1533 (Still eligible for a team quota) 245.9084 (Still eligible for a team quota) 236.8117 204.5667 203.4817
  5. Women's Duet Tech Final Results China 266.0484 Great Britain 259.5601 Spain 258.0333 Full Final Result HERE
  6. A complete disaster. One basemark, and Italy is at risk of not making it to the Olympics.
  7. Netherlands and Israel confirm their qualification, closing at 251. Unfortunately, Greece didn't perform as well as expected.
  8. Many small errors for Canada, yet the judges did not penalize them
  9. Exciting times for the technical duet final! At this point, duo qualification becomes crucial for Greece and Israel, facing the risk of not making it to the Olympics, as well as for Italy and Spain
  10. Injury during training for Sofia Goggia; she broke her tibia and fibula. The season is over for her
  11. I have absolutely no idea Apparent in the women's platform, all the semifinalists get an Olympic Quota, according to Italian federation.
  12. Italian Federation, according to WA response, say that both italians are qualified to Olympic Games.
  13. Sadly I have to agree. I think that and are quite safe, and will fight for two spots.
  14. Nice routine for the Italian, the Olympics quota is on the spot We have to improve a bit in the final.
  15. Holy crap I'm so sad for the Greek team, but this edition is a nightmare for them...
  16. Egyptian disaster, that's mean that Slovakia is qualified for the final @hckoĆĄice
  17. Honest I have no idea, I'm watching it on Rai Play, but you'll need a VPN
  18. Huge penalty for Ukraine with one basemark, but it's enough to make it to the final
  19. I just noticed that Chile isn't in the women's tech start list, and that's mean that they're out from the Olympic pack. Meanwhile Canada do a very nice routine in their worst event, without any basemark They have to repeat that tomorrow
  20. It's 8am and I'm already watching synro (and I have uni today since 10). I hate Doha time
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