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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. Of I thought tickets were super cheap. There were a lot available for $5 USD. (I actually thought about going until I landed those Tokyo 2020 tickets) The Barranquilla 2018 organizers did a good job at getting an audience. I do understand that Peruvians are obviously limited by expense, but you’d imagine their should be quite a few international fans too. The CAC Games were nice because the top countries were equal in strength and the bottom countries had good chances for medals. It’s just not the same in Lima unfortunately.
  2. I don’t have the answer to that, but I have a link to the tracking
  3. Weightlifting, Diving, and Track Cycling has a similar level too. The difference is that people at the CAC Games were taking it seriously. Here at Lima it is all about Olympic qualification and “training competitions”. Plus, many Peruvians seem not to care about the event. In Samoa, the whole damn island came out for the games, and the atmosphere was awesome.
  4. That’s what I’m saying. The games would be more enjoyable if the US and Canada just didn’t show up. I’d enjoy them more and the atmosphere would be better.
  5. This qualification system is about as good as it can get. I mean it can’t reasonably get better. Even continent gets a team as it should, and the top 24 teams in the world are all given 2 opportunities to qualify.
  6. Well China can send its 31st ranked anthers and still 3/4 of the world in most sports. The Asian Games were just awesome, same with the Pacific Games. The Pan American Games just aren’t. I honestly enjoyed the CAC Games more, and thought the level of competition was better there than it is here. I think that the difference for me is, Asia has made huge strides in sports in the last decade. Pan American countries have been doing the opposite. Obviously there’s also been a lot more political and economic issues in Pan America recently, but the competition just doesn’t feel worth it. The games might be better in my opinion if the US and Canada didn’t bother sending teams. I think it would feel more serious and I could get more invested.
  7. Yes, yes he would. I enjoyed them a lot. So far they were the best multi-sports games of the summer. I actually quite enjoyed the African Beach Games and European Games too.
  8. Well, and I’ve made it clear that I like games where to events are unpredictable and the quality of athletes is closer for better or worse. The Pan Ams just don’t get me as excited as they did when they were in Toronto.
  9. Yeah but the Asian felt bigger, there was more sports, more sports broadcasted, and it just had more energy. I stayed up till late just to watch them. For me there’s just no interest in the Pan American Games for some reason.
  10. Less dead more injured, not that the numbers matter anymore.
  11. The difference is that officers honestly would never shot white children playing with nerf,bb, and fake guns. It happens at the time to black kids because I swear we have the only officers in the world with a shoot first ask questions later mentality.
  12. Besides the fact that the shooter was a white nationalist, an ideology that Trump has continued to preach and motivate these shooters.
  13. I actually have to agree somewhat with @Fly_like_a_don here. The games lack energy. I haven’t felt motivated to watch them at all because competition fields are small and quite a few of the events are weak. For the world’s third biggest multi-sport event, It hasn’t felt like the big deal it should be. The US sent A,B,C athletes and we’re getting to 50 golds at the halfway mark. I’m the rest of the continent can’t keep up. The quality of most competitions is low. There are generally 2-4 world class athletes in each event and that’s it. It just feels like a weak event.
  14. I’d have to disagree with that. They’ve got 52 sports on offer and generally almost anything can happen it each event.
  15. Every so often there are days when I feel so grateful for my language abilities. As I’ve stated before, I rarely feel like I’ve written a good poem, but this one is good. It’s short and poignant. Stinging Little Bullets How many more, Must spin through the bore? Three in two weeks, Boy! that number speaks. We won’t listen, But our blood will continue to glisten. Don’t those bodies look horrific? I sure don’t feel terrific. Little kids dead on the floor, And of course next week there’ll be more. Since we can’t stop that American machine. There’s no protective screen. Old and young, Bodies flung. All them put to sleep; I weep.
  16. We’ve gotten a point where neither side cares about the victims anymore. Everyone jumps straight into Politics. Generally I read a list of names of the victims, but there might not even be one made. It doesn’t really because everyone knows someone who died in gun violence. A student the year bellow me at my high school survived the Vegas shooting, but unfortunately the PE teacher at a local middle school didn’t. My mom survived an active shooter situation at the college I’m attending this year. My sister is going to high in the same district where kids were shoot at a neighboring school. We have nightly gunshots that can be heard around town. It’s insane. I mean I can’t even fathom how fucked this country is. We shoot black kids for playing with you guns, and we peacefully arrest white mass shooters. I live in the United States of Hell apparently. I’m sorry about all my posts, but I’m sure you guys can understand, or at least comprehend, the trama of monthly shooter drills at school, wondering if your mother has survived a near campus shooting while trying to run a track race, hearing that a kid at your school got access to gun and killed himself, etc. I’m sorry but this problem is too close to home for me to not be angry about it.
  17. I’m so happy my normally red District (which actually isn’t mine because our town is split between 3 districts because of gerrymandering) voted for this amazing blue woman
  18. I’m going to correct the statement for him. ”I think we need to focus more on memorials so that we can gloss over the fact this a serious problem the nation faces, and so I can get my annual donation from the NRA.”
  19. I have a tradition of posting the same (unless I can’t find the picture) rose every time a mass shooting happens. I started this winter. I now have 7 roses and 3 substitutes on my Instagram. I think it’s a powerful statement that 9th instagram post of mine is a mass shooting memorial. I hope when people scroll through my pictures it at least gives them a momentary pause. I also have another tradition where I give my best dance up for my personal remembrance and pain from reading the long list of victims and their stories. It’s just so sad. It’s so hard to feel happy when there’s something new every week in the this country that just brings you down.
  20. Yes that is the industry problem I’m talking about. People have gotten so use to real time information that as a journalist if you don’t report on an event 5 minutes after it happens then your as good as useless. That’s why I tend to focus on sports journalism (humble plug: because there’s still room to be both informative and relevant as a news source.
  21. Excuse me . Yes, there situations where the rule becomes less relevant. However, I find it a little disgusting when they pull 50,000 news vans as close as they can to scene where an active shooters been. Plus, they call police lines when really they shouldn’t be because then victims can’t get through. I will always defend the importance of media, but like anything else in life, I’ll call it out when there’s a major issue that needs fixing.
  22. I hadn’t heard about this yet, but it’s starting to pop up in my news feed. As journalist, our general rule (that journalists who work for big companies for a living break all the time) to wait 24-48 hours before taking any information as fact. Generally the casualty numbers will be inflated, but I fear it may be bad. It’s not shocking as we’ve already established here on the forum, it’s just a sickening and saddening part of American culture.
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