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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. For whatever reason the main sports channel is showing it on one of their channels at the moment On their main channel actually, ever since F1 qualifying finished.
  2. Considering this, I'll wait a minute or two longer for our German juror.
  3. The F1 qualifying coincided with me having mixed up Portugal and Poland was just as messy
  4. Meanwhile I'm watching Malta - Andorra on TV, where it was 0-1 at 50 minutes. I posted some templates, looked again and it was 2-1 A sign?
  5. New Zealand has extended the Serbian lead, whereas France got a little boost in the race for bronze. With eleven nations to go and so 132 points one could still get, it is definitely too early to call it for Serbia yet. Juries voted so far: 24 / 35 Next jury: Germany TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Netherlands 18 48 Serbia 1 145 Poland 19 47 Canada 2 110 Portugal 20 42 France 3 101 Italy 21 41 Ireland 4 97 Croatia 22 38 Malta 5 92 China 23 34 India 6 83 United States 23 34 New Zealand 7 82 Spain 25 33 Lithuania 8 72 Denmark 26 32 Germany 9 69 Egypt 26 32 Kazakhstan 10 66 Slovakia 26 32 Brazil 11 65 Slovenia 29 25 Great Britain 12 61 Greece 29 25 Czech Republic 13 59 Hungary 31 23 Argentina 13 59 Tunisia 32 21 Moldova 15 57 Mexico 33 17 Indonesia 16 54 Israel 34 16 Romania 16 54 Bulgaria 35 6 Up next is the neighbour of the hosts, Germany ! Bitte, @catgamer, enlighten us as to what the Germans have voted for
  6. Serbia gave a tactical point to Canada, to preserve good relations and their own strong lead, very smart! Meanwhile Ireland and France are tied, with Malta still being close behind them. Juries voted so far: 23 / 35 Next jury: New Zealand TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Czech Republic 18 47 Serbia 1 137 Poland 18 47 Canada 2 110 Italy 20 41 Ireland 3 97 China 21 34 France 3 97 United States 21 34 Malta 5 91 Portugal 23 33 India 6 83 Spain 23 33 New Zealand 7 82 Egypt 25 32 Lithuania 8 72 Slovakia 25 32 Germany 9 69 Croatia 27 28 Kazakhstan 10 66 Greece 28 25 Brazil 11 60 Denmark 29 21 Great Britain 12 59 Tunisia 29 21 Moldova 13 57 Hungary 31 20 Indonesia 14 54 Slovenia 32 18 Romania 14 54 Mexico 33 17 Argentina 16 53 Israel 34 16 Netherlands 17 48 Bulgaria 35 6 On to the other side of the world, where @Wanderer is hopefully still awake to give us the votes of New Zealand !
  7. SERBIA Germany 12 New Zealand 11 Slovenia 10 Poland 9 Greece 8 Spain 7 Netherlands 6 Israel 5 Ireland 4 Hungary 3 Moldova 2 Canada 1 То су били српски гласови, пуно хвала и желимо свима пуно среће до краја дана! Those were the Serbian votes, thank you very much and we wish everyone good luck for the rest of the day!
  8. Oh damn, for a moment I thought I had posted 11 points for New Zealand under the Dutch flag, nearly got a heart attack there
  9. SERBIA New Zealand 11 Slovenia 10 Poland 9 Greece 8 Spain 7 Netherlands 6 Israel 5 Ireland 4 Hungary 3 Moldova 2 Canada 1
  10. SERBIA Добар дан свима, надамо се да вам све иде добро. Ево гласова српског жирија! Good afternoon everyone, we hope you're all doing well. Here are the votes of the Serbian jury! Slovenia 10 Poland 9 Greece 8 Spain 7 Netherlands 6 Israel 5 Ireland 4 Hungary 3 Moldova 2 Canada 1
  11. Finally I can say I have Serbia's song so high on my list of very favourite songs I basically knew instantly it would win, although it tied first place with Great Britain for a little bit. I already knew that song though, which might have given me a bit of a bias between these two, but after several more lessons, Serbia was definitely the number one
  12. The host has further emphasized Serbia's lead, while the fight for the remaining medals is still somewhat open. Always keep in mind that things can change however, it's TISC, after all... Juries voted so far: 22 / 35 Next jury: Serbia TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 Netherlands 18 42 Serbia 1 137 Italy 19 41 Canada 2 109 Poland 20 38 France 3 97 China 21 34 Ireland 4 93 United States 22 34 Malta 5 91 Portugal 23 33 India 6 83 Egypt 24 32 Lithuania 7 72 Slovakia 24 32 New Zealand 8 71 Croatia 26 28 Kazakhstan 9 66 Spain 27 26 Brazil 10 60 Tunisia 28 21 Great Britain 11 59 Denmark 28 21 Germany 12 57 Greece 30 17 Moldova 13 55 Hungary 30 17 Romania 14 54 Mexico 30 17 Indonesia 14 54 Israel 33 11 Argentina 16 53 Slovenia 34 8 Czech Republic 17 47 Bulgaria 35 6 After receiving a full twelve points, it's now Serbia's turn to give away points of their own. @NikolaB, go ahead!
  13. NETHERLANDS Serbia 12 Great Britain 11 Italy 10 Lithuania 9 France 8 Brazil 7 New Zealand 6 Tunisia 5 Romania 4 Canada 3 Ireland 2 Denmark 1 Tot zover de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury, afgesloten met een welverdiende twaalfpunter voor Servië. We hopen dat iedereen nog een fijne dag heeft en veel plezier beleeft aan TOISC 2020! That's it for the votes of the Dutch jury, closed off with a well-deserved twelve-pointer for Serbia. We hope everyone has a pleasant rest of their day and enjoys TOISC 2020!
  14. NETHERLANDS Great Britain 11 Italy 10 Lithuania 9 France 8 Brazil 7 New Zealand 6 Tunisia 5 Romania 4 Canada 3 Ireland 2 Denmark 1
  15. Didn't Serbia win TISC once? Or did they just host it after Ireland won their 97th title?
  16. NETHERLANDS Goedemiddag, ochtend- en avond mede-Totallympians! Nederland hier, rechtstreeks uit het hoofdkwartier van de TOISC 2020-organisatie. Het is een ontzettend drukke en ook erg leuke dag, we willen iedereen bedanken voor de deelname aan Apeldoorn/De Veluwe 2020! Hier volgen de stemmen van de Nederlandse jury: Good afternoon, morning and evening fellow Totallympians! This is the Netherlands speaking, straight out of the TOISC 2020 organizing headquarters. It's been an incredibly busy and very enjoyable day, we would like to thank everyone for their participation at Apeldoorn/The Veluwe 2020! Up next are the votes of the Dutch jury: Italy 10 Lithuania 9 France 8 Brazil 7 New Zealand 6 Tunisia 5 Romania 4 Canada 3 Ireland 2 Denmark 1
  17. Right, snack break is over, we're pinging for the next set of votes. In other words, we're calling ourselves, because the host is up next to kick off the fourth session!
  18. It took me some years before realizing they're Dutch The very first CD I ever had (apart from the Queen - Greatest Hits I always 'borrowed' from my parents) was a Vengaboys CD, by the way
  19. Snack break! An impressive post-lunch surge from Serbia has put them in a strong lead, with Canada as only main rival left at the moment. It's TISC however, so one would be ill-advised to count out Ireland, Malta, France or even India just yet! It's time for a bit of a snack break and we're going with two varieties - we wouldn't recommend mixing them, but either way, you're good. First off is one of the most Dutch snacks or semi-snacks one can find: haring, the Dutch word for herring. There is only one correct way to eat this fish and it is raw, possibly with some pieces of raw onion, and straight out of the hand: tilt your head backwards, lift the haring up above your mouth and bite off a nice, juicy piece. The flavour is a little strong, but very good, and it'll be easy to get yourself a haring wherever you go. Especially look for 'Hollandse Nieuwe', the name for the newly caught fish in the right season, when their fat percentage is just that bit higher - usually you can get them in May or June. The only correct way of eating haring, although this poor lady does seem to have forgotten her onions Since the end of the year is closing in, we really don't have much of a choice and we will need to indulge everyone in the delight that's called oliebollen - literally translated to 'oil balls', which sounds a whole lot less tasty than it really is. These balls are made with dough and either come with or without raisins. If there is a Dutch tradition related to food, it is the selling and eating of oliebollen in the second half of December and especially the last week of the year. No New Year's Eve celebration is complete without a good set of either freshly baked or reheated (oven, not microwave) oliebollen, generally eaten with a generous amount of sugar on top of them. A stack of oliebollen at the ready, some people are fine eating them cold, but they really are best eaten hot For our musical intermezzo, we travel to the late nineties - and 2000 - and we meet the Vengaboys, apparently one of the biggest Dutch exports as far as music goes. The dance group was incredibly popular for two or three years and then mostly faded away. We'll avoid some of the more superficial songs like "Parada de tettas", I'm sure our Portuguese-speaking users will know the meaning, and "Boom, boom, boom, boom, I want you in my room", and go to a still fairly superficial, but at least just festive song: "We're going to Ibiza!". The video clip has a small parody on Bill Clinton, by the way: one can see hints towards his affair when the plane in the video travels past the White House.
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