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Everything posted by dareza

  1. + probably one more quota (Africa) edit: No, there are 4 quotas at OQT. So this 4 teams + Russia will fight for that.
  2. Final and quota for Italy. Medal for Italy after 8 years. Wow.
  3. Yeah, that guy Urlando is very talented. Maybe not as Milak, but for sure he has big chance for silver in Tokyo. 1:53.84 for 17 yo boy is just wow.
  4. This is shame. Hellooo men, we are not Russians.
  5. And again this pro Russia commentator. When France score: EHHHHH. When Russia score: Niceeee
  6. Lo this guy Arslanov haha imo he will be out of Russian team after this.
  7. Ja stvarno nisam razocaran u ovaj rezultat. Imali su oni i dobre meceve. Meni je samo nejasno to sto je forsirana svetska liga, a ne SP. Ja kapiram da igracima treba odmora i slazem se za to, njih 7 igraju 10 god vec ovako po 2-3 takmicenja godisnje i to je jako naporno, ali opet zasto SL?
  8. People really underestimate Spain. Great team with great players and they play great after the debacle in the World 2017. Serbia beat them at EC in the final after PSO. But pity that they have Croatia in SF.. Probably no chance for final and quota here.
  9. but it will be for 2 years. This will be a great experience for them and it will be better next time. I'm ok with this and l expected this. Simply you can't win a medal without 30+ player, it is not realistic.
  10. Lol not. This is expected.We are without 8 players and I really don't know why someone expected medal?
  11. Eh the end of dream for this young team, but this was expected. Spain has great team and even our best team had problems with them in the past.
  12. Red card 6s before the end. LOOOOOL. Gift for Russia.
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