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Everything posted by dareza

  1. I can't believe. Well done Novak and well done to Roger as well! Great tennis.
  2. So, maybe we will see TB now after 12:12. Hope not
  3. This was really unexpected. It seems that even player like Roger has jitters.
  4. lol USO 2011 once again?
  5. But Roger is really like wine Legend.
  6. Eh But well, Nole had chance in this set. Pity. Both deserved this.
  7. Halili konacno 2.20. E sad kad je probio tu granicu mislim da ce ici lakse.
  8. I da izgleda da se Milanko Petrovic vratio i da ce se ponovo takmiciti.
  9. This is so far best final in the last few years.
  10. Bronza za Gardasevic. Ajde nije neki skok, ali je bas lepo napredovala kroz finale. Imala je dva prestupa pa pod pritiskom 6.20 i onda je isla na gore i dosla do bronze sa 6.43.
  11. I osvojili smo u23 medal table sa 3 zlata i 2 srebra i jednim 4. mestom.
  12. Pa sta si ocekivala :D Zlato logicno haha i to bas ubedljivo.
  13. Stefanovic srebrni, opet fotofinis odlucio pobednika. Za dlaku je izgubio.
  14. Well, there will be one more qualification event and only NOC without quota will be part of that
  15. Well, top 10 from this championship. And 2 per NOC only if both finished in top 10 here at WC. So, only USA and Germany with 2 athletes in Tokyo.
  16. Quotas for China, Malaysia and USA. This girl Pandelela Rinong is legend.
  17. Dva meseca. Propustice i svetsko prvenstvo.
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