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Everything posted by Steve_RP

  1. the underachievers tag that we carry continues. shooters have been the biggest disappointment of these games. Sad to see, these bunch of shooters are not limited in skill, talent or facilities. Infact they are more privileged than the shooters from yesteryear. Yet, the results are out of sight. We should be lucky if we can get close to our tally in London.
  2. Look how badly were doing even in shooting. Only 1 qualification so far... Countries that win medals consistently talk about conversion rates of final appearances to medals.. Ours is dismal.
  3. Angad Bajwa has a bad 4th Round. Drops from 2nd place to 19th. Qualification chances almost over.
  4. We were supposed to announce India as a shooting powerhouse. Instead, we're still battling the ghosts of the past. so near, yet so far
  5. What about Women's 25m pistol and the 50m 3pos
  6. same story over and over again. Almost to the point where it has got frustratingly funny. 8 shooters..only 1 qualifying...
  7. This isnt good.. Such quality shooters failing to even qualify... Weve seen 6 shooters so far, and 5 of them failed to qualify. This is a bigger problem that has gone on for so long.
  8. Bahrain and Qatar work through mercenaries. We cry every 4 years for nothing, so lets stop crying now and accept it. We're happy with our athletics and almost everyone is shattering their PBs. its a big process that lasts decades. The way our athletes are performing and rising awareness levels in the country, in 10 years we wont even have to worry about the 'Afro-Asia athlete import business'
  9. anyone knows a decent webiste to get updates and schedules? the official app and website are no good
  10. ur assessment is spot on...but the same Russian hackers have stated that there are more exposes to follow.... So, the issue is far from over Plus, the same group of hackers have stated that they have lots of data to show how doping is rampant even in the US.. So, lets expect fireworks
  11. Devendra Jhajharia Wins Javelin Gold At Rio Paralympics
  12. The real positive outcome of the Rio games seems to be the response of the authorities.. There seems to be a genuine level of thpugh being put into Indian sports.. Despite a few hiccups, federations are starting to end their disdainful attitude....government is talking about a long term plan unlike in rhe past whr we saw authorities talk abt olympic sports just 3 to 4 month before the games... Boxing federation mess seems to be closing on ro a solution... Ppl in power are talking abt improving accountability in the federations... A few lesser medals on an edition of the games is'nt the end of the road if the people involved learn from it and do what is needed... I believe we are heading in the right direction...
  13. Actually that's the only heartening aspect in this fiasco. We are very accustomed to seeing the apathetic behaviour of the federations.....the moment a controversy erupts, the federation bosses develop cold feet and hide their heads like an ostrich.... Here, the WFI President has backed Narsingh right from the moment the controversy broke.....Whether Narsingh is innocent or not is a subject of a much wider speculation, but Im personally happy to see the relentless support he's getting from the federation....
  14. That's utter nonsense...did the whole world conspire against Narsingh??? His complaint affidavit is full of contradictions ....somewhere is says his food was contaminated and a cook saw something being mixed.. 2nd part of the affidavit says his drink was kept on the side of the mat and somebody spiked it... Last time WFI said the saboteur was a junior wrestler... now they say junior officials of SAI and NADA are involved However, CAS on the other hand say that there is no concrete evidence to prove sabotage.... on the contrary, CAS appointed expert say that Nasingh willfully took the drugs orally in a tablet form
  15. i saw she was 7 after round 1...17 after round 2....but ysterday it was showing she was 3rd.... Many are saying she's very close to a medal......
  16. anyone understands golf??? wats Aditi Ashok's chances.... Some people are getting really excited by her performance
  17. What just happened... Last night we gor news of narsingh being cleared Today we hear news of his ban... Something is dreadfully wrong... And sadly no news agency has a clue... Both the news cant be right... Perhaps its wishful thinking but i dont believe this news....
  18. sad to see the condition of this thread during Olympics Olympics time....most members away.... no discussions... whats left here then????? his forum was supposed to be the most active now, look at it now... this place looks like a shadow of its past...
  19. poor much should he suffer???? he's carrying the worst luck possible... But NADA cleared him, there must have been some incriminating evidence supporting his claim... maybe that can save him on the 18th
  20. Worst news possible at this moment.... Participation in doubt for sure Hearing's on the 18th.... Hoping for a miracle
  21. There is no better substitute to having a wide pool of athletes across disciplines...swimming is a huge discipline with lots of medal events... But, for that we need someone like deepa doing something for indian swimming...
  22. Right.... I saw a FB post by him right after Dipa's finals... "Didnt want to see another Karmakar finish 4th..heartbroken"
  23. I dont care a shit abt government or officials when the games are on... Only good thing that has happened is that he has ensured Deepa gets her physio.. Which should have ben allowed in the first place
  24. wat did he do????blow the wind???bring bad omen??? Lets get it straight.... Our athletes are'nt performing to their potential... 1-2 athletes can have bad days...its sports afterall.. But a vast majority of athletes have not been able to perform to their potential.....
  25. You cant help it...Expectations are bound to be there...WE are a medal starved nation... Olympics previously meant government officials, netas and babus going on a paid vacation.. then slowly the results started coming...Now we our excepting out best performance ever, and by some decisive margins... Lots of changes are coming together...For the first time im seeing a larger interest of the people and the media on Indian olympic hopes.... So, the outburst is understandable.... federations are slowly making efforts to manage their affairs better....ppl are realizing the need for sport science... Government is realising the need for a long term planning and execution... But there's one thing Im sure of....Even if we surpass our London tally or not, Indian sports would be the ultimate winner... Say we dont surpass out London tally....the government will ask questions of the federations, which will improve accountability... Say, we do surpass our London tally - lot of media coverage, increased following and viewership, which means greater corporate participation
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