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Everything posted by stamura84

  1. the wound was deep and the doctor denied him to fight
  2. valentino can't fight today,so cordina goes into semifinal.....wound in the eyebrow
  3. does tha classification for olympic qualification of wikipedia right? it doesn't count nations already qualified
  4. irma testa advanced to quarter final....will fight against mossely (fra)
  5. the drawn will be at 12 am.....but don't know if local time or italy time
  6. it's strange......referee didn't help us as usually
  7. ban for life for everybody and elimination of all result in past for them (giving back also prize money).....the only way to see clean sport. and not at the second time,but at the first
  8. in 470 men it's a tie between ukr e ita......who will go to rio? the total points is ita 156 ukr 158.....but ukr has a better placement regatta,a 2nd place while ita has a 6th
  9. nei 470 maschili anche gli ucraini stanno insieme a portogallo e italia.gli altri un po piu distanti
  10. possiamo ancora arrivare terzi,nonostante vinceremo con la nuova zelanda domani.sia se perdiamo con la rus che se pareggiassimo da 8-8 in giu possiamo finire per terzi
  11. paltrinieri 14:40.61 in 1500freestyle and detti we're arriving
  12. e dopo l'argento europeo nel 2015,l'oro mondiale nel 2015,Chamizo "INIZIA" l'anno con una bella medaglia d'oro agli europei
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