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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. This fake president tries to change some laws of the constitution to avoid the jail
  2. our best swimmer "Sayoud" missed this edition cause he didn't get the visa at time , they always destroy our athletes in one way or another ..anyway no one needs the embassy of Japan here , but the good thing is : he certainly avoided the contamination of Fukushima
  3. anyone from denmark !!! I need to translate what the girl said
  4. Yes this is paris the host of the olympic games
  5. LOL the Police in france shooted another innocent man ...this is the 5th incident in 1 month ..police is here to catch the guilty not to make the justice instead the tribunal , what a mess This bloody place is not able to host the olympic games except if they change the appelation to " games of: i shoot you because i can "
  6. KSA will just refuse the visa to Syrians
  7. Yes your athletes follow money not sport
  8. Where is the standing of combined points!!! bad website like usual
  9. becomes weak , there is no effort with new athletes , the half of previous generation has gone : died / or retired anyway 3 Gold is not bad until now +1 WR
  10. We have 1 swimmer broke the record of mellouli , I remember when Mellouli played the super master of the arab swimm ...good for him
  11. according to the saudi player of badmington that i met in the plane ...the next edition will be in ksa
  12. The final table of medals ...whats wrong with egypt
  13. Maybe you think that i need this place ...I will just spend my money away
  14. im in the plane now going to Dubai , i met the team of KSA of badminton , cause ALG is hosting the arab games ...they didn't win any medal they said ....cause ALG is strong
  15. I'll never visit france again , farewell forever
  16. The extrem right is growing more and more in france , they created xenophobic groups in social media ,already killed someone ...they are under the police protection like in this video
  17. Is France able to ensure the security during the games !!!
  18. Another day of riots in france
  19. What did you say I hope everyone is doing well not that evil person like you think Remove this username if you want , i said what i had to say
  20. The end of WC , so what ? Players/staff will receive millions $ while poor spectators i mean YOU will just return to your miserable lifes , and then realize that you were scammed , was just a wasting of time of tickets you will pay the electricity of your tv /internet.....etc This is what THEY have : This is what YOU have :
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