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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. JURIES VOTED: 36/38 UNITED STATES 86 NEW ZEALAND +3 72 SPAIN +1 109 PORTUGAL 47 MOLDOVA 21 URUGUAY 7 AUSTRALIA +11 67 MEXICO 88 LITHUANIA +6 63 BRAZIL +8 64 INDIA 79 SWEDEN 101 INDONESIA 83 POLAND 88 SERBIA 54 ITALY +7 92 KAZAKHSTAN 51 CHINA +9 129 ISRAEL 69 SLOVENIA +2 59 TUNISIA 35 GREECE 84 GERMANY +5 83 BULGARIA 56 UKRAINE 63 IRAN 42 CANADA 151 IRELAND +10 103 NORWAY 116 CROATIA 62 DENMARK 109 MALTA +4 74 HUNGARY 102 NETHERLANDS 70 ROMANIA 28 FRANCE +12 131 ARGENTINA 14 SLOVAKIA 56 One thing is settled. We will have the first ever non-European champion!! Either Canada or China will win! Absolutely incredible, after 13 European editions, it only took @bestmen rage-quitting the contest and one virus pandemic. But, you know, baby steps. France is going up next. Will they protect their podium? Will they decide the winner? PROVISIONAL TOP 5 1 CANADA 151 2 FRANCE 131 3 CHINA 129 4 NORWAY 116 5 DENMARK 109 5 SPAIN 109
  2. Relay BAŠKA MOONWALKERS DOBRINJ WINETASTERS KRALJEVICA ROYALS KRK CAPITALS MALINSKA LIFEGUARDS NJIVICE SAILORS OMIŠALJ OILERS PUNAT MARINERS ŠILO SHEPHERDS VRBNIK CLIFFDIVERS Leg 1 23 30 25 27 11 24 21 38 25 31 Leg 2 29 5 34 EL 16 8 20 37 21 24 Leg 2 9 27 14 20 29 42 32 17 3 3 Leg 4 22 0 17 11 18 43 15 17 2 20 Total 83 62 90 38 74 117 88 109 57 78
  3. JURIES VOTED: 35/38 UNITED STATES 86 NEW ZEALAND 69 SPAIN 108 PORTUGAL 47 MOLDOVA 21 URUGUAY +1 7 AUSTRALIA 56 MEXICO 88 LITHUANIA 57 BRAZIL 56 INDIA +11 79 SWEDEN 101 INDONESIA 83 POLAND +2 88 SERBIA 54 ITALY +12 85 KAZAKHSTAN 51 CHINA 120 ISRAEL +3 69 SLOVENIA 57 TUNISIA 35 GREECE +10 84 GERMANY +9 78 BULGARIA 56 UKRAINE 63 IRAN 42 CANADA +7 151 IRELAND 93 NORWAY +6 116 CROATIA 62 DENMARK +4 109 MALTA 70 HUNGARY 102 NETHERLANDS 70 ROMANIA 28 FRANCE +8 119 ARGENTINA 14 SLOVAKIA +5 56 Three juries to go. China and Norway can still win! France can't win since they still have to vote, but a podium place is up for the taking! While away from the Top 5, India is doing an incredible job for their team. Let's see if @heywoodu will settle this... PROVISIONAL TOP 5 1 CANADA 151 2 CHINA 120 3 FRANCE 119 4 NORWAY 116 5 DENMARK 109
  4. Let's take a moment to appreciate what is India doing for their team!
  5. Uruguay was 5th in my list before getting removed to Reserve #2. I am so mad at myself for pushing them that far since they didn't get many points otherwise.
  6. Relay BAŠKA MOONWALKERS DOBRINJ WINETASTERS KRALJEVICA ROYALS KRK CAPITALS MALINSKA LIFEGUARDS NJIVICE SAILORS OMIŠALJ OILERS PUNAT MARINERS ŠILO SHEPHERDS VRBNIK CLIFFDIVERS Leg 1 23 30 25 27 11 24 21 38 25 31 Leg 2 29 5 34 EL 16 8 20 37 21 24 Leg 2 9 27 14 20 29 42 32 17 3 3 Leg 4 22 0 17 11 18 32 15 17 8 17 Total 83 62 90 38 74 106 88 109 57 75
  7. JURIES VOTED: 34/38 UNITED STATES 86 NEW ZEALAND 69 SPAIN 108 PORTUGAL 47 MOLDOVA 21 URUGUAY 6 AUSTRALIA +5 56 MEXICO +11 88 LITHUANIA 57 BRAZIL +4 56 INDIA 68 SWEDEN +10 101 INDONESIA 83 POLAND 86 SERBIA 54 ITALY 73 KAZAKHSTAN +2 51 CHINA +8 120 ISRAEL +6 66 SLOVENIA 57 TUNISIA 35 GREECE 74 GERMANY 69 BULGARIA 56 UKRAINE +3 63 IRAN 42 CANADA +9 144 IRELAND +12 93 NORWAY 110 CROATIA 62 DENMARK +7 105 MALTA 70 HUNGARY 102 NETHERLANDS 70 ROMANIA 28 FRANCE +1 111 ARGENTINA 14 SLOVAKIA 51 Canadian delegation is getting really excited, but it is not over yet! China has dettached from the bloodbath and is now sitting pretty in 2nd place. Denmark and Sweden have joined the century club. Coming up next is Malta. PROVISIONAL TOP 5 1 CANADA 144 2 CHINA 120 3 FRANCE 111 4 NORWAY 110 5 SPAIN 108
  8. IRELAND 12 MEXICO 11 SWEDEN 10 CANADA 9 CHINA 8 DENMARK 7 ISRAEL 6 AUSTRALIA 5 BRAZIL 4 UKRAINE 3 KAZAKHSTAN 2 FRANCE 1 Funny story. As the host, I only had three days of voting. And during the middle of those days I landed my first job. I mean, of course this Irish song had to get 12 points in such enviroment.
  10. Being a dressage fan has made me a sucker for a rhytm in music. That is always near the top of my priority list. And the Chinese song has just about perfect 3-beat canter rhytm. It's uncanny. Especially from 3:11 to 3:21...
  11. CROATIA Pozdrav dragi članovi Totallympicsa. Nadam se da uživate u priredbi. Malo je teško šutjeti o svim intrigama za koje znam da će se dogoditi, ali ne bih to mijenjao ni za što. Hello fellow Totallympians. I hope you are enjoying the show. It's a bit difficult to keep quiet about all the intrigues that I know will happen, but I wouldn't have it any other way. SWEDEN 10 CANADA 9 CHINA 8 DENMARK 7 ISRAEL 6 AUSTRALIA 5 BRAZIL 4 UKRAINE 3 KAZAKHSTAN 2 FRANCE 1
  12. Relay BAŠKA MOONWALKERS DOBRINJ WINETASTERS KRALJEVICA ROYALS KRK CAPITALS MALINSKA LIFEGUARDS NJIVICE SAILORS OMIŠALJ OILERS PUNAT MARINERS ŠILO SHEPHERDS VRBNIK CLIFFDIVERS Leg 1 23 30 25 27 11 24 21 38 25 31 Leg 2 29 5 34 EL 16 8 20 37 21 24 Leg 2 9 27 14 20 29 42 32 17 3 3 Leg 4 22 0 17 6 18 32 15 17 6 11 Total 83 62 90 33 74 106 88 109 55 69
  13. JURIES VOTED: 33/38 UNITED STATES 86 NEW ZEALAND +8 69 SPAIN 108 PORTUGAL 47 MOLDOVA 21 URUGUAY 6 AUSTRALIA 51 MEXICO 77 LITHUANIA +11 57 BRAZIL +3 52 INDIA +9 68 SWEDEN +7 91 INDONESIA +10 83 POLAND 86 SERBIA 54 ITALY 73 KAZAKHSTAN +6 49 CHINA 112 ISRAEL +1 60 SLOVENIA 57 TUNISIA 35 GREECE 74 GERMANY 69 BULGARIA 56 UKRAINE 60 IRAN 42 CANADA +2 135 IRELAND 81 NORWAY 110 CROATIA 62 DENMARK +12 98 MALTA +4 70 HUNGARY 102 NETHERLANDS 70 ROMANIA 28 FRANCE 110 ARGENTINA +5 14 SLOVAKIA 51 Baby steps for Canada, but slow and steady seems to be winning the race. No points for anyone in the Top 5 otherwise. It's as if Ireland expected to be in the lead or something. Weird. The hosts will be presenting their votes next. PROVISIONAL TOP 5 1 CANADA 135 2 CHINA 112 3 FRANCE 110 3 NORWAY 110 5 SPAIN 108
  14. I can smell the Belgium biathlon award possibly coming your way.
  15. Relay BAŠKA MOONWALKERS DOBRINJ WINETASTERS KRALJEVICA ROYALS KRK CAPITALS MALINSKA LIFEGUARDS NJIVICE SAILORS OMIŠALJ OILERS PUNAT MARINERS ŠILO SHEPHERDS VRBNIK CLIFFDIVERS Leg 1 23 30 25 27 11 24 21 38 25 31 Leg 2 29 5 34 EL 16 8 20 37 21 24 Leg 2 9 27 14 20 29 42 32 17 3 3 Leg 4 22 0 17 6 7 23 5 17 0 10 Total 83 62 90 33 63 97 78 109 49 68
  16. JURIES VOTED: 32/38 UNITED STATES 86 NEW ZEALAND 61 SPAIN 108 PORTUGAL 47 MOLDOVA 21 URUGUAY 6 AUSTRALIA 51 MEXICO +6 77 LITHUANIA 46 BRAZIL 49 INDIA +1 59 SWEDEN 84 INDONESIA 73 POLAND +2 86 SERBIA +9 54 ITALY +5 73 KAZAKHSTAN 43 CHINA +12 112 ISRAEL +10 59 SLOVENIA 57 TUNISIA 35 GREECE +7 74 GERMANY +4 69 BULGARIA +8 56 UKRAINE 60 IRAN 42 CANADA 133 IRELAND 81 NORWAY 110 CROATIA 62 DENMARK 86 MALTA 66 HUNGARY +11 102 NETHERLANDS 70 ROMANIA 28 FRANCE +3 110 ARGENTINA 9 SLOVAKIA 51 Again no points for Canada, but they do keep a steady lead. Meanwhile, we have a total bloodbath between the rest of the Top 5. Let's see if Ireland can settle any of this... PROVISIONAL TOP 5 1 CANADA 133 2 CHINA 112 3 FRANCE 110 3 NORWAY 110 5 SPAIN 108
  17. Relay BAŠKA MOONWALKERS DOBRINJ WINETASTERS KRALJEVICA ROYALS KRK CAPITALS MALINSKA LIFEGUARDS NJIVICE SAILORS OMIŠALJ OILERS PUNAT MARINERS ŠILO SHEPHERDS VRBNIK CLIFFDIVERS Leg 1 23 30 25 27 11 24 21 38 25 31 Leg 2 29 5 34 EL 16 8 20 37 21 24 Leg 2 9 27 14 20 29 42 32 17 3 3 Leg 4 22 0 17 6 7 22 5 8 0 0 Total 83 62 90 33 63 96 78 100 49 58
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