This is the standard response of a hypocrites. After WADA have stated the real attack on the russian sport, that see all over the world, in response ironic that the russian doesnt like it and it seems a conspiracy. I dont know how to call it - a conspiracy or something else, but I'm sure - will soon be held Olympics in Rio and believe, will begin a new era in the sports policy.
WADA crossed the line of what is permitted and will be responsible for everything. For that mixes sports and politics, to ban meldonium (none of the Russian did not vote for it - it's a lie!). WADA is responsible for all the machinations with the сanadian Pound, for the fact that this anglo-saxon organization closed and uncontrolled, and under the guise of the fight against doping decides the fate of people. Everything changes after Rio.
Now you can enjoy and open the champagne because it was lucky that now Russian sports run by idiots like the Minister Mutko. But this, too, will change soon.
Will soon get to the Dutch "clean" skaters, to the "clean" British athlets and to norwegian asthmatics. You're clever and brazen, taking legal dope, are undercover WADA. Continues to delight each new doping case of russian, has a short time left