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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Yes, but the reason the medals and quotas are distributed the way they are now is because it's very Eurocentric. The same is true in the SOG. Sports and events that Europeans are good at get more quotas and medals. There's been an effort in the SOG to even that out in the last few cycles, though. WOG are another beast, as it's Eurocentric to begin with (along with Canada, USA, China, SK, Japan and Australia to an extent).
  2. Yeah, my point was that Norway, for example, can still send enough skiers to sweep the podium in each event, but Canada, for example, has to leave medal potentials in some freestyle events at home because of the cap. In other words, Norway's B team would still not medal because their A team already took all the medals, while some of Canada's A team is being left home and off the podium because of the cap. But, again, it's not that serious.
  3. In defense of short track, it's so volatile that skaters should have more than one chance at a medal. In any event (pun intended), what I'm saying is a country that is strong in x-country can send enough skiers to win lots of medals, while countries strong in freestyle have a limit. And not limited as in only three in a race, but Canada has to leave strong competitors at home who can medal in event X because there is a limit to the overall amount. It's not really that serious, anway.
  4. It's not so much the amount of events, it's really stretching out the same event so that the same people win multiple medals.
  5. Who do they need to win against to advance?
  6. It's kind of annoying that certain countries can win 20 medals in x-country with 5 different skiers, but countries with depth in freestyle don't get that opportunity. I'd rather watch multiple different freestyle events rather than another x-country race, but this time it's 1 km longer.
  7. I actually watched this one live. Interesting game. Didn't seem close at first (probably because of the 3 for the Lotts in the 1st), but Power/Saunders kept chipping away.
  8. Just watched the highlights. Dominated GB and close against Korea. Has beat every team there now. Looking really good.
  9. Just watched it, finally. 4th fastest time in history, she owns the top 2 already. And she made it look like she was out for a walk in the park. Apparently she has said she will do the 800m at the WC this summer. No doubt she's great in that, but I wonder how she'd fair in the 200m backstroke. Her times are elite. Beyond elite. Idk what the schedule looks like, and obviously she and her coaches know best. But I would think a 200m backstroke would be less strain on an already busy programme. Edit: Listening to the NBC broadcast, they say Summer has announced she is leaving her current training spot after this season, possibly joining Bob Bowman (coach of Phelps and Marchand, along with Reagan Smith).
  10. I think people overestimate how long the Superbowl halftime show is. It's 13 minutes, and the whole halftime is about 25 minutes. I get that halftime for soccer is only 15 minutes, but I don't think they're going to actually do a whole big SB type performance with a stage and effects. It's probably going to be a few musicians and a light show. It doesn't seem as serious as all this traditionalist pearl clutching is making it out to be. I don't want to be disrespectful, but maybe if fans stopped worrying about the sanctity of the sport and started focusing on removing the embarrassing diving, everyone would benefit.
  11. Am I supposed to read the article before posting it? That is far too much work.
  12. Looks like Vietnam will make its WOG debut! Southeast Asian nation is,no prior winter sports tradition.
  13. I kind of expect them to move the women's gold medal curling game back an hour or so. The morning session is at 9am, why put this game at 11?
  14. I watched the race. A whole bunch of bad luck for several other teams, and Canada also messed up at the end, too. Great result, though!
  15. I was rewatching some highlights from Sochi, Pyeongchang and Beijing and I'm just hoping we get good consistent judging in Milano. It's three straight Olympics with terrible home bias judging. I didn't see the races in question here yet, but it's just getting annoying now.
  16. If that's what she needs, more power to her. Judging from the limited amount of quotes I've seen from her since before the Olympics, she seemed stressed/burnt out.
  17. Great fun watching this the last few days. Let's see if this strategy for early selection works for Milan 2026. Homan is very likely going to be there for the women anyway, but we'll see.
  18. Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone here! Been enjoying the predictions. I'm not great at these, but always love to read other people's opinions.
  19. Hey, Canadian women would have 3 relay bronzes from Paris if cheating China didn't bribe FIFA, but life's unfair.
  20. This short track team is bringing me such joy.
  21. You don't have to make any changes, especially when it comes to hockey. In one game elimination tournaments it's always 50/50. Anything can, and often does, happen. The last time NHLers participated was in 2014 and Canada dominated. But we had much, much, much better goaltending and even defence back then. Who knows what will happen in the next year.
  22. You had one job Quebec!
  23. LOL, love it. Fortunately (unfortunately?), these are not the type of events that Canada usually gets 4th in. But never count us out of being counted out!
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