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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Adriano

  1. Sorry, you are a rider, your sponsor organise a competition. And you didn't know why, two judges gave you overrated scores. It was simply planned. She must know everything.
  2. Really? Beata has better results in Aachen from 5 judges, she has better score. It is very important dressage competition. (prestige, international level). Polish rider start in beter events. Grand Prix - 4* Judges: Lang, Baarup, Alonso, Rockwell, De Wolff, Holler, Clarke 1. Hubertus Schmidt - Imperio - 76.043 (Germany) 2. Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Unee BB - 74.900 (Germany) 3. Anabel Balkenhol - Dablino -74.486 (Germany) 4. Fabienne Lütkemeier - D'Agostino - 73.814 (Germany) 5. Jenny Lang-Nobbe - Loverboy - 72.700 (Germany) 6. Beata Stremler - Rubicon D - 72.429 (Poland) 7. Charlott-Maria Schürmann - Burlington - 71.943 (Germany) 8. Jose Daniel Martin Dockx - Grandioso - 71.500 (Spain) 9. Mikala Münter Gundersen - My Lady - 71.329 (Denmark) 10. Inna Logutenkova - Don Gregorius - 70.371 (Ukraine) Grand Prix Special - 4* Judges: Stukelj, Nivelle, Rockwell, Fransen, Alonso 1. Anabel Balkenhol - Dablino - 75.471 (Germany) 2. Hubertus Schmidt - Imperio - 74.157% (Germany) 3. Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - Unee BB - 73.941 (Germany) 4. Fabienne Lütkemeier - D'Agostino - 72.824 (Germany) 5. Jose Daniel Martin Dockx - Grandioso - 72.118 (Spain) 6. Mikala Münter Gundersen - My Lady - 70.451 (Denmark) 7. Beata Stremler - Rubicon D - 70.020 (Poland) vv Grand Prix Kur to Music - 4* Judges: Clarke, Stukelk, Fransen Iacobaeus, Lang, Nivelle 1. Jenny Lang-Nobbe - Loverboy - 76.800 (Germany) 2. Charlott-Maria Schürmann - Burlington - 73.875 (Germany) 3. Jan-Dirk Giesselmann - Real Dancer - 73.675 (Germany) 4. Borja Carrascosa - Wonder - 73.200 (Spain) 5. Morgan Barbançon Mestre - Girasol - 71.575 (Spain) 6. Bernadette Brune - Spirit of the Age - 69.975 (Germany) 7. Julie Brougham - Vom Feinsten - 69.475 (New Zealand) 8. Inna Logutenkova - Don Gregorius - 68.650 (Ukraine) 9. Victoria Michalke - Dance On - 65.725 (Germany)
  3. This qualification for Ukraine was gain by Inna Logutenkova and Don Gregorius thanks to judges who gave her bigger scores ( the last tournament in Lier). She must know everything.,d.bGg Beata was better than she in Aachen (olympic juries). She deserved for this quota.
  4. She is a big cheater. Beata has better results in Aachen than she.
  5. Do you have a full list of quoatas in Cayak in ICF site for example?
  6. Of course all American athletes are so clean. USA-CAN-JPN-ESP on the line against the main rival Russia. Who will be next China? I am support clean sport, but for me it is a planned action. Russia should show class and retreat. I do not believe that some other countries like USA also they do not try this.
  7. Russia is first in the firing line, what about USA? Rio without Russia, will be a big joke. They should start, but should be tested. That's all.
  8. Okey, I must say something. I really do not like this situation, it seems like Iwan Cichan or Tatiana Lysenko. Three words: doping - guilty - banned.
  9. Brazil and Japan confirmed their quota (four)?
  10. like Michał was a Conchita To be honest this song has a points from juries for being a great handsome man who can play a quitar. And it was the same before. This song was truly annoying after one "Slown Down". It is so similar to the dutch entry from 2014. Televoters do not like this. Linnets was great, many countries voted for it, I send many text messages for this song, It is not sth like "Poland has a big community" and This was the worst song in contest. In juries we have for example people from OGAE and workers from national television.And it is for heywooodu so importand like oracle in Delphi. Dutch entry was so great thanks to it, People from the world do not have a chance to simply said by voting that do not like this song. We have many voted, okey UK, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium - big community, but even you can check the yt - 5 points to Poland from Russia or Albania, Estonia (it is not a community)! You are simply xenophobic heywoodu. ------- heywoodu said:,, But yeah, I agree about the whole "what the hell is Poland doing in 3rd place" thing. Well it's obvious, Poland will always score high in televote even if they send the worst singer ever, simply because Polish are in every country and will vote like crazy to get Poland up high. They had a mediocre singer this time, with quite a boring appearance and an even more boring song (I only remember "what color is your life" or something) shown by the jury. " PLEASE CHECK THIS and start to discuss - RESPECT THE PEOPLE:
  11. The Netherlands song was overrated, and simply old-fasioned and it was a copy of previous songs (Netherlands 2014, Estonia 2015, Belgium 2010. Finland 2014, Cyprus 2010) It should not qualify to even final. It is a shame for jury. Belgium, Lithuania, Netherlands, France (the worst performance for Amir, I love his videoclip, but live was so bad)- was overrated in jury Voting On the other hand as a previous user of Serbia said that has many votes from Balcans (and Switzerland), I was a sceptical, but this song has really great message, and has a small nuber of votes, but British One Direction Joe and Jake has more and overrated Netherlands. Latvian entry was so great and the same story. Tele-voting was great this year: high points for Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Bulgaria, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Federer91 said very well, Poland has a big community, but even Hozier said that Michal was great Russia was also destroyed by jury.
  12. It is so sad that 114 points go to The Netherlands (poor copy of The Common Linnets), 104 for Lithuania, 55 for UK ----------- > jury voting Original Georgia 80, very expressive, great singer from Latvia - 69, Serbia with a strong message song 35 --- > jury voting Yes we have a big community in nearly 35 countries, even Russia gaves us 5 points. If we send a great presentation like Slavic Girls is it sexist (5th place tele-voting), Michal Szpak with a great powerful voice (3rd place tele voting) it is bad, because juries like overrated Netherlands, Why do not write such a stupid things about Lithuania? 12 points from UK and Ireland for example? It is not crazy? Great result from Poland, I love Eurovision and I watched this for years, but now I change my mind we must withdraw
  13. Can you tell me how many teams will go to the next level?
  14. Poland has two girls. So this is stupid competitions. Only 5 countries are out.
  15. Can you tell me how to watch this qualifications? How many quoatas nations can win here ?
  16. Do you know the website where I can check results (live-scoring)?
  17. So after 3 German qualify we have three quoatas tomorrrow?
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